NOTES FROM SRI LANKA. (May '01) Click here to return to Table of Contents. 5/6/2001 Mayday! Mayday! No, wait...that was Tuesday. It's easy to forget when you've spent time in the states. Not exactly a workers' paradise, you understand. They don't even make the kids do that weird thing with the maypole -- you know, where everyone grabs a streamer and they dance around the pole until the streamers are all wound up. Remember? Neither do I.
Despite the changes (and the mongooses), it is good to be back on our home turf once again, bringing to a close that frantic chapter that began with Dubya's inaugural balls back in January. What a relief! Now we can get back to what Big Green is really all about...collecting pinecones. Oh, yeah...and making music. Some of that, too. Down from the Olympian heights of Washington politics and back to our humble roots, to reclaim our heritage as the global standard-bearers for clubhouse rock...or is it tree house rock? Man, we have been gone too long!
It wouldn't be so bad if we weren't living in such a roach motel. I mean, sleeping on the floor is bad enough, but I've got to put a saucepan on my head just to keep my forehead dry all night. John doesn't even have a room anymore (tossed out by roaches), so he sleeps standing up in sFshzenKlyrn's closet. I think Matt is so thoroughly disgusted with the place that he spends his nights at the corner tavern, drinking asparagus schnapps and playing backgammon with the local architect's guild. (Whatever gets you through the night.) Can't we afford better?
We...the same Big Green whose
CD 2000
Years To Christmas is such a
smash hit on the planet Kaztropharius
137b? It's the sad truth. Hey, artists are supposed to starve, right? Only this ascetic routine is a little hard to swallow. Here's hoping we can get our lean-to back before the mongooses stumble upon our stash of Tastybite vacuum-packed dinners. The Other Shoe. Well, that didn't take long. One week Dubya's cold war re-treads are chalking "Red" in front of "China" on all their maps; the next week they're embroiled in a major international crisis over some pointless spy plane; a few weeks later some low-level DOD clerk causes a break in longstanding liaison policy with the Chinese military, obviously taking his bosses' rhetoric to heart. And the capper -- Dubya's big speech on missile defense, which will save us from whom?...The dreaded (red) Chinese!!!! Talk about a sales job!
These TRW/Lockheed boys don't let the grass grow under their feet, do they? But
then, they've got a real beauty of a product in Missile Defense, particularly
the "theater-based" variety. Here's a "defensive" system
that creates its own threat -- perfect for any procurement-addicted industry. We
spend billions (and billions) to set up a sophisticated, What a thrilling prospect for Donny Rumsfeld, who has been such a persistent advocate of "early deployment" -- early as in, before the system shows any signs of working. Working, that is, in the sense of being able to shoot down hostile missiles. Where the system's true intent (making $$$) is concerned, it already works just fine, and has done for about 20 years. So, forget the fact that even fraudulent tests of the system have failed. Forget the fact that the "rogue states" it's designed to counter are more likely to send an h-bomb via UPS than via ICBM. Forget that deployment means an end to arms control and a renewal of the very bomb-building frenzy that makes our lives so precarious. When you look at Missile Defense as a means of generating lucrative contracts, then the rest of it all makes sense. Write your congressperson, your Senators, and your president today and tell them to knock it off, will you? I'll join you...but right now I've got some mongooses to shift. luv u, jp Click here to return to Table of Contents. 5/13/2001 Who am I now, then? Greetings from this dilapidated roadside rest here in rural Sri Lanka, just a few miles away from our mongoose-occupied 14-room lean-to. It's been another challenging week at the Discomfort Suites motel, with our various creditors descending upon us and no relief in sight -- not even from our fair-weather label, Hegemonic Records and Worm Farm, Inc., whose representatives refuse to return our calls and whose peacocks engage in noisy fornication on the front lawn of this insufferable flophouse they've booked us into. Well, it didn't take long to discover that
the erstwhile bean-counters at Hegemonic have been neglecting to pay our
motel bill, which would explain the recent shut-off of our water, air
conditioning, electricity, So here we are, floating about five feet off the ground, using old CD display cards for fans, hoping our disconnected telephone will start ringing with a call of reprieve before the landlord sends his toughs around to evict us. But even the world's foremost dis-corporate rock band cannot survive on hope alone. I think it was Matt who first suggested we stop bobbing about in mid-air and start taking control of our own lives. That was the kind of inspiration we all needed. And after the rest of us had gotten 'round to suggesting it two or three times, we actually did start doing something about our predicament...three steps ahead of the Discomfort Inn hit squad. Though we've seldom
discussed the circumstances surrounding our emigration to Sri Lanka, it's fair
to say that we never planned on working here to support ourselves. But now that
we've been cut off from the Still, it's going to take a whole lot of rutabaga sales to cover the costs we've incurred since our return home. And while we're hawking tubers to the locals, the mongooses are busily building annexes to our property, creating a massive infrastructure that will soon render our beloved lean-to unrecognizable. I'm telling you, if the boys at Hegemonic don't intervene soon, we'll soon be forced to abandon our rights to that property and become permanent fixtures on the roadside of rural Sri Lanka, scratching out a mean subsistence from the leavings of more prosperous produce vendors. Such a cruel fate!
And the drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge? Well...Halliburton is an oil exploration company, so it sounds like another lucrative opportunity for the boys, like putting out the Kuwait oil field fires from Cheney's Gulf War was a decade ago. Like the Bush tax plan, I'm certain whatever the circumstances are at any particular moment, they will be used as justification for a policy already decided on -- that of ripping up what's left of Alaska to extract as much profitable mineral reserves as possible. We can all pretend -- as always -- that it's being done for our we can continue driving our big, empty, all-wheel-drive SUV's around paved roadways and pay less than $2 a gallon for the privilege. Rally 'round the Bush boys -- they're protecting our mindless, earth-cracking way of life!
As the old song goes, "breathe deep while you sleep...breathe deep." luv u, jp Click here to return to Table of Contents. 5/20/2001 Hello, world! Don't you just want to jump to your feet and sing! No? Well....neither do I, truth be known. I thought I might take a momentary respite from our ongoing travails here in Sri Lanka to share with you some listener email we've received in recent months. Let's just open the mailbag and have a look-see, shall we? Here's a little missive from a fellow named Collin on AOL who heard our song Pagan Christmas and submitted this comment through our questionable contact form here at I have to say that Pagan Christmas is a very ignorant song... if you were playing on stereotypes in your lyrics, you could have made that clear. Really.... what the hell is this?
Okay, who's next? Howzsabout this comment from someone named "Ches" in Calgary, Alberta, who reviewed our song Strange Christmas at Ches wrote: Curses! Christmas time is NOT here and neaither is the goodness in this song ha ha ha ha ha no but seriolsy bad lurics! Hey, nothing's more inescapable than logic. What were we thinking? Hats off to you, Ches...and thanks for the spelling lesson! * * * Let's just close that mailbag up again (gingerly) for this week, so that I may regale you with news of our current predicament and how it has mutated since last I spoke with you. Our discarded vegetable stand has barely moved the needle for us economically, I'm sorry to say, yielding only a few spare sovereigns and one questionable suitcase of soggy lire which a tattered British naval officer claims to have recovered from the hull of the Lusitania. This wasn't going to dig us out one inch from the massive debts we've incurred!
I think it was about when we reached an altitude of 800 feet that sFshzenKlyrn admitted a near total lack of knowledge with respect to balloon aviation techniques. I gasped, remembering last year's interplanetary tour and how, after leaving the navigation in our Zenite friend', we had met with near disaster. This was not good.
Well, I hate to seem a killjoy, but I obviously survived this minor mishap...or I wouldn't be writing this dreck. Surf over next week to learn how.
Of course, the Bob
Kerrey story has gotten out here, as well. I
would imagine the most surprising aspect about that story to most people in the
"third world" would be how unremarkable it is -- another sordid tale
of Hey -- the real killers are the policymakers. Everyone else is just a hired gun (some more enthusiastic than others, as is always the case). luv u, jp Click here to return to Table of Contents. 5/27/2001 Salutations... Our very best to you from the subcontinent, a mere few thousand miles from Pearl Harbor. There...I said it. Now someone in Hollywood should be cutting me a check, goddamnit. Just compensation for my role in the full-bore multimedia marketing assault on humanity now underway in support of the blockbuster movie/book/accessories/etc. known as Pearl Harbor. This sucker has been hyped pretty heavily since last year when the web trailer came out. And it's about time I got my cut. So here goes....Pearl Harbor! Pearl Harbor! Pearl Harbor!
What was that?! Was that someone at the DOOR?! Oh...just the mailman. So...last week, as you recall, I was hanging precariously from a hot air balloon ineptly piloted by sFshzenKlyrn during the maiden voyage of our new money-making venture, Windbag Tours, Unlimited. I'm sure you've been on pins and needles since my last dispatch, which described the menacing typhoon brewing over the Indian Ocean. What happened, you ask? Well, I'll tell you. Right after these short messages.... Just kidding. As the
balloon was being pulled out to sea, I set my sights on a small, deserted island
a few miles off the Sri Lankan coast. With all the Our landing was hard -- at least it was for me. As always, sFshzenKlyrn seemed unscathed, though he had spilled the rest of his tea water on the way down. While he lumbered off in search of something edible, I dragged myself out of the surf, pulling our patented Hegemonic Industries survival kit along with me. Inside the waterproof casing was the usual assortment of necessities -- beef jerky, egg shells, condoms, a Dutch/Timorese phrase book (mostly translations of commands and epithets), and the most valued item of all...the patented Hegemonic one-shot crank transmitter, guaranteed to give you no more than one chance at calling for help before it falls apart. I cranked that sucker up,
tuning it to the dedicated Big
Green distress frequency, and
made my one distress call clear, concise, and unambiguous:
"HAAAAAAALLLP!" I felt certain that my message had been transmitted
before the shoddily manufactured unit burst its plastic seams. I didn't have to
wait too long for confirmation that my plea had been heard on the big island --
the silhouette of a large military vessels soon became visible against the
gathering clouds on the eastern horizon. Frankly, I was surprised by the
apparent large scale of the rescue mission. Then after watching the ship
approach for another twenty minutes, I realized it was, in The rescue went well, otherwise. Until sFshzenKlyrn melted their little toy boat. I could use some swimming lessons, let me tell you. Pappy Tax-Cut. In
case those of you living in Madagascar haven't heard, Dubya got his big fat
tax-cut, which will dole out an average of $1 million to each of America's 400
richest multi-millionaires (Dubya's principal constituency), about $58 million a
year to the wealthiest 1%, and nothing to the poorest families. This will be
funded over the next 11 years at the expense of any federal efforts to provide
adequate health care, education, Of course, all you'll read about in the papers is the check you'll be getting from the IRS in the coming months -- $300 (or so) for individuals, and so on. Never mind how much you pay for health insurance, if you can afford it at all. It's that same old magic formula Grampa Reagan's handlers worked to perfection. Big tax cut for the rich, with a bone thrown to the middle class to get most voters on board. Then spend a pile on the Pentagon to float high-tech industry. That way there's nothing left for those pesky social programs we're told we despise so much. Where are the Democrats? Missing in action, as usual. No filibuster on this one, even though it scuttles any chance for the development of a progressive agenda in the coming years. But that's okay, folks....cuz the check's in the mail!!! luv u, jp |