NOTES FROM SRI LANKA. (August '01) Click here to return to Table of Contents. 8/5/2001 What....again?? That burning 'cano stopped erupting. What a time for the monsoons to come! This lean-to reconstruction effort has seen its share of misfortune. With substantial encouragement from John and yours truly, construction has pressed forward through the deluge. Sure, the foundation hole is filled with rainwater. Sure, our chief architect has just floated out into the Indian Ocean. But what does it matter? We've got a lean-to to build! Man, I'll tell you...just one stray
thermonuclear blast can bring some pretty strange things to the surface. First
there were the luminous beings that emerged
from our backyard volcano (they're now building an embassy on the other side of
town with sFshzenKlyrn's able assistance).
Then there were Nah... You'd think it would be a lot harder to get work done with a gaggle of waterlogged saints milling about asking for directions, but that's not the case. They pretty much mind their own business and we mind ours. Their "business" amounts to finding their way back to the Auriesville Shrine. Ours is keeping our reconstruction team together long enough to erect a substandard replacement for our late substandard domicile.
With all the chaos at the building site,
Matt, John, sFshzenKlyrn, and I have taken
up temporary residence at an old abandoned hammer factory once Big Green (or what's left of them); Cheney Hammer Factory, 2nd Floor, Colombo, Sri Lanka Or just drop me an email at with instructions on where to find your charitable contribution, whether it be cash, stamps, carrots, or croutons. Only don't send Rice Krispies or any other "loud" cereals, or we'll lose Eric for good. Old Faithful. What's worse than a fink, right? When we were kids, people like Nazi collaborators were held up as the lowest of the low, even though many of the worst offenders were reinstated into positions of power or brought back here after the war, unbeknownst to us at that time. And, of course, through the years stories have surfaced about how we aided various bloodthirsty regimes in rounding up their most hated opponents, like Nelson Mandela way back when.
State told the GPO to put a stop on shipping the volumes -- not quickly enough, it appears, because some of them went out...and one found its way to the National Security Archive, who posted the entire first volume on its web site . (See Missed that story? I'm not surprised. I just happened to stumble upon it at the website of the London Independent newspaper. I don't know why Colin Powell's boys felt like they had to sit on this information -- it certainly never made it to my hometown newspaper. (The New York Times published a story on July 28th, which you may read on-line...for a price. No abstract is available on their site.) luv u, jp Click here to return to Table of Contents. 8/12/2001 Greetings from the Cheney Hammer factory! I've got to hand it to the old bag of wind...his ancestors sure could make a hammer. I dropped a 12-gross carton of them down four flights of brick stairs and not one of them lost its head. Kinda like old Dick back in the day. During the great and glorious Gulf War (or the "War of the Worlds"), you couldn't find a white knuckle on him. And he was behind those boys all the way. (About 4,000 miles behind them.)
There are certain advantages to living in an abandoned workhouse stacked with 40-year-old crates of surplus hammers. Plenty of advantages. Like when you want to do some remodeling. For instance, John and I have been tacking fragments of geodes up on the walls as a decorative accent (a little design tip sFshzenKlyrn picked up from Joanne Liebler, host of the planet Zenon's most popular TV show, "Room for Change"). We're thinking of cutting up some old truck tires we found out on the loading dock and nailing them up, too. And then there's those petrified bagels in the commissary -- they'd look nice flanking the front entrance. That's where 247 12-gross cartons of hammers can come in handy.
We appreciate Mitch's flexibility. Eric the architect has been a tougher nut to crack, however. It took us the better part of a week to coax him back to shore after the flood waters carried him into the Indian Ocean. I think he was intimidated by those strange medieval church figures who bubbled up unexpectedly from some recondite cavity deep below our property (some people have strange sensitivities, that's all I can say). How did we get him As for the odd religious figures who are still stumbling around the building site...well...we'll get them some cowboy boots, too. Somewhere. On Holiday. Dubya's spokespeople
have been talking themselves blue in the face trying to make it sound as though
his month-long ranch vacation is well-deserved and, by the way, not all
fun and games. They should save The corporate press is usually ranging around for stories during the month of August, when all the people with money are on vacation. That probably explains why I saw a story this morning about the attack on a refugee train by Jonas Savimbi's UNITA terror army in Angola -- an attack that killed 100 people. Perhaps it was the high number of deaths that drew this passing reference to a 26 year old conflict initiated and long floated by US arms and intelligence support. In any case, August should be dubbed "African Continent News Month" -- something to report on until those newsworthy white folks return from their holidays. Be careful out there. luv u, jp Click here to return to Table of Contents. 8/19/2001 This just keeps happening. Freaky. Welcome back to the web's only source on what to do with decommissioned hand tool molds. (Hang them on the wall. Proudly.) We're piecing things together, slow but sure, each of us with our respective tasks firmly in hand. Half a league, half a league, half a league on. (Let's see, that makes a league and a half so far.) I have a happy coincidence to report. It
seems that those boots we found in the hammer factory (formerly the property of
our illustrious Vice President, I for one was surprised that an erudite, urbane Zenite like sFshzenKlyrn would have any experience with hoe-downs, but it seems there was some sort of country western craze going on last time he was on his home planet. He described week-long benders soaked with Jack Daniels and Zenite snuff, when every volatile peptide-laced cloud-cowboy would hoe-down till they were toe-down. Old sFshzenKlyrn would yank out his blonde telecaster and start twanging out the C&W, calling himself "Tex Piadro" and encouraging his brethren to drink heavily and form "human" pyramids. Yeeee-haw! Not all is sweetness and light, however. Eric the architect was a little put out by the fact that his boots were appropriated by a space alien. Hey...we're not responsible for his hang-ups, right? I suppose if a Methodist accountant from Idaho had taken them, that would have been all right. In any case, we found him a pair of hobnails that should do the job nicely. (Artists! Sometimes I feel like I'm running a kindergarten. "All right...has everybody got their cowboy boots? Who wants another glass of milk?") Speaking of prima donnas (fuck -- I
hope he doesn't read this lousy column!), old Dr. Mitch Macaphee has
needed a bit of handling, as well. I know I've It's a bit frustrating, since now we have the murderous bean-counters at our label, Hegemonic Records and Worm Farm, Inc., breathing down our necks for new product, as well as the huge five-legged, three-eared protozoa who inhabit the planet Kaztropharius 137b clamoring for more Big Green hits. Dr. Mitch is going to have to work overtime for the next three weeks...or else hire some help, goddammit...if we're going to stay ahead of the long knives. This could get discouraging.
Mr. Mailbag. Well, it's that time know...when we open up the mailbag and see what creatures emerge from its murky depths. Since your friends in Big Green have been changing addresses more frequently than folks in the federal witness protection program, our comments this time around are taken from the Big Green annex at, where we have a few songs posted. Ready? Our first "letter" comes from Coquine of Vermilion in Alberta, Canada. She gave Martha's Christmas a listen and offered this observation: :( Good Lyrics, but needs work! Extra Credit: Guitars, Lyrics; Special Award: Most Bitter Breakup Song Well, Coquine, you've got a point there -- we could use a little more work! Our performance calendar is showing way too much white space. But don't worry, we're not on the verge of a break up, bitter or otherwise. But thanks for the award, just the same! Here's another missive from somebody named "tdawg", who reviewed our highly controversial Pagan Christmas: hey,
it was the 60's..
Thanks for your comments. Keep those cards and letter coming. And if you see your review in this column, email me at and we'll send you a free CD. (I tried sending one to "tdawg" but it came back undeliverable. Go figure.) luv u, jp Click here to return to Table of Contents. 8/26/2001 Man o' Maneschewitz... How do I look? Not bad for someone who spent half of last night pumping the stomach of a gluttonous Zenite sugar freak, huh? I Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. We've been
playing a few gigs around the greater Colombo area to scare up the money we need
to keep our lean-to reconstruction project in the black. Nothing too
ambitious...just setting up Anyway, sFshzenKlyrn (though a good session guitarist) has no self control when it comes to soda fountain fare. He just slogs those malteds down one after the other, then it's on to the banana splits. I think the guy's got a problem...I mean, a flapjack-like dependency on hot fudge and root beer. After just a couple of weeks on stage, it's difficult getting him through a whole set. I've got to get Dr. Hump on the phone and ask for some guidance before we shove off on our next interplanetary tour, which will hopefully happen late this fall if I can get those miserly fuckers at Hegemonic Records and Worm Farm, Inc., to sign the necessary releases in time.
Dr. Mitch is definitely old school -- bigger is better. That's why all of Matt's guitar effect boxes are the size of refrigerators. Sure, it's a little harder to see him on stage. But he sure sounds cool. Back to the High Frontier. Now, I know it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, but now there's been official word as to the fraudulence of the most recent Missile Defense test. The news? Basically, it was the same as the three previous tests. Essentially no unknown quantities involved whatsoever. Global Positioning System beacon on board the target missile, guiding the "kill" vehicle to its prey. The Pentagon has confirmed this to Defense Week magazine...not that it was hard to guess (see NOTES FROM SRI LANKA for July 15, 2001).
Anyway, Dubya has named USAF General Richard Myers as the new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. And, naturally enough, Myers is well briefed on the "high frontier" Space Command plan Rumsfeld is working on. Hey -- basing weapons of mass destruction in space sounds like a good idea to me...and I'm sure it will prove every bit as reliable a deterrent to military budget cuts as our rationally impenetrable missile defense shield. For a brief discussion of the successful PR partnership between the Pentagon and our enviable free press, see Joe Conason's column (7/31/01) at And if you'd like to know a bit more about the Pentagon's plans for outer space, check out their Vision 2020 brochure for a look ahead. luv u, jp |