White wash view

21 thoughts on “White wash view”

  1. We are experiencing some problems with the camera connections and are working to fix them as quickly as possible. Thank you so much for your donation!! We hope to have all the camera views up again very soon.

  2. Sally, if you’re willing to go to facebook while the cam problems are being corrected you’ll be able to view some great videos from a cam that is not available live to the public. Most of the videos are from a cam quite similar to the cam1/White Wash. The link to facebook is on the right side of this page…. Falcon Watch On Facebook. Hope you enjoy the vids!

    1. I’ve noticed that Google Chrome doesn’t support the live feeds (both desktop and mobile devices). I’m not sure what browser you’re using, but maybe try a different browser…

    1. No third chick. We were able to see yolk – which Astrid consumed for the protein – so there was no development of that egg.

    1. Hi Diana,

      Thank you for your recent name submissions. They have been added to the list to be voted on by the committee.


    1. There were 4 eggs but only two hatched. We believe the first two eggs did not develop due to the cold weather at the time they were laid. One of the unhatched eggs broke open and we could see yolk which means little or no development.

  3. It would appear that the chicks like to be on the places where there are no feathers of the prey. Is that correct? And if so why? The stones don’t look very comfortable.

    1. The stones are their natural nesting material. Seems a bit lumpy to us as well but it works for them. They sometimes lay on the feathers but the stones are what they are used to right from hatch time. I would also think they may have less chance of insects getting on them if they use the stones over the feathers. Mites are typically an issue for many birds. When we post video and pictures of Astrid and Ares laying flat in the sun they are trying to kill the mites by baking them off.

  4. Hunting must be good at Valley view Golf coarse Seems like the whole family is there. Spotted and flown around golf coarse between 18th, 17th and 10th fairways. Between 6-7 am. From 7/26 to 7/28

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