It’s getting increasingly difficult to keep up with the young Peregrine Falcons as they explore their domain and become more adept at flying. On Wednesday, for the first time after leaving the nestbox, both Skye and Comet made a brief return to the old homestead. They didn’t stay long though – there’s just too much else to do. On Wednesday morning they discovered Hotel Utica and its accommodating wide ledges. Their parents have been trying to lure them over there for some time, usually using food as the incentive. After harassing their parents for a while both fledglings seemed to disappear on the east ledge of the hotel. Only after getting a higher perspective were we able to determine that they were still there, just fully sprawled out and apparently sleeping. Talk about being comfortable in new surroundings! The flight skills of both youngsters are improving with each day. On Thursday they engaged in some impressive sparring matches – including one that let them as high as 800 feet and lasted nearly 10 minutes. Despite Comet’s initial reluctance to fly, he has now caught up to Skye in terms of skill and endurance. In fact it’s become difficult to tell the two of them apart, whether in flight or perched.
Orion is progressing well at the Wildlife Rehabilitator’s facility. We will be releasing her back into the Downtown canyon on Saturday.