Skye was absent from the usual part of the Downtown canyon for about 35 hours beginning Wednesday morning. That morning he’d initially been seen feeding on something on the Courthouse roof. After that he made a direct and somewhat labored flight over to the State Office Building where he put down on a high window ledge. Astrid, who apparently still hasn’t decided if she wants him around, hazed him with some swooping. After some close passes, Skye flew off to the south and out of view. Thankfully, Astrid didn’t persist and go after him. However, following that incident, and despite great effort on the part of our fledge watch volunteers, no one could locate him for a day and a half! Since Skye has not yet fully recovered from the accident that grounded him over 2 weeks ago, he has been depending on his brother and father to bring him food. That makes him very vulnerable, and it’s crucial that he stays in the canyon where he can be seen and tended by his family. He continues to fly, but very sparingly. When he does he usually follows a very direct course between high building perches. It is believed that the bruising of his wing muscles will heal and his flying should gradually improve. He certainly has been getting a lot of rest!
Meanwhile Comet has been doing his flying stunts by himself or with his parents. On Tuesday night he made an incredible dive straight down from the top of the State Office Building. As he plummeted he twisted and turned and managed to up his mother from her low perch. Since the recovery from the dive took place out of view, the watchers were relieved to see Comet moments later chasing his mother through the canyon.