Our 3 little nestlings are not so little any more. In fact they’ve been exhibiting all manner of new behavior this week. They’ve been seen walking upright, feeding themselves (just a little bit) and shock of shocks – hopping up on the ledge. One of them actually did that just today and admittedly caused us some some heart flutter. Certainly their wing and tail feathers have been coming along nicely but they still have a long way to go. I guess that this was a foreshadow of things to come. Speaking of which, we need to set up a fledgling watch for our fine little trio. We’re hoping that there will not be a shortage of volunteers to help us safeguard Utica’s first fledglings on their maiden flight. There will be more information forthcoming on this project. If anyone of you have doubts about participating because you’ve never done this kind of thing before, just remember that none of us have experience doing this either. We’ll all be jumping into the wind just like the falcons.
Meanwhile, I’m sure that everyone has noticed the improvement in our falcon cam view. Sure there’s still some whitewash issues, but the resolution has markedly improved and the field of view has grown. Thanks to John Matthews, Deb Saltis and Steve Bennett for figuring it out. They are the best team anyone could wish for!