We Have a Second Hatch!!

Sometime during the overnight hours, the second hatch of the 2015 breeding season happened. On Sunday we suspected a hatch was imminent since a pip had finally been confirmed on one of the 3 remaining eggs and muffled calls were being heard from the chick inside. It’s hard to tell what happens at night in the box given the lack of light, but during a 3:42 AM feeding, the form of a second chick was picked out. By 5:00 AM it was only too clear that there were now 2 chicks! A second feeding took place at 6:10 AM.

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The second chick for the 2015 season hatched in the overnight hours
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During a second early morning feeding Astrid feeds the newest member of the family


Videos of # 1 Chick Hatching & The First Feeding

Hatch Today is Highly Likely!

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At 5:28 this, morning, Astrid gets off the eggs and reveals that no hatch has taken place yet

Last evening the hole in the egg became even more obvious and the chick inside began calling in earnest. This morning, calling from the chick became even more intense and a small piece of egg shell was seen falling from the egg. Most probably the hatch of egg # 1 will take place sometime this morning.

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Astrid accepts breakfast from Ares before leaving him with nest duties