Thursday, March 10, 2022 – The Best Dance So Far & A Little Falls Falcon Update

A still from the falcons’ best dance

The overnight was cold and, in the predawn hours, a dense fog draped downtown. The temperature was in the high 20s. It was cloudy and slightly windy during the day, temperatures ultimately topped out in the mid-forties. Ares arrived at the nest at 3:03 AM. He then remained inside the box for several hours, During that time he was alert but quiet. The fog was too thick for us to tell if Astrid was on the State Building. We relied on his reactions to know when she came into view. At 6:15 Astrid came to the box and the pair partook of a ledge display. It was an especially long and lively dance and one that featured copious amounts of beaking and around five side changes by Astrid. After ten minutes, Ares made his dramatic cowabunga exit and Astrid stayed on to do housework. She made a scrape in the gravel and got some digging done in the corner. By 6:30 she had moved out onto the crossperch and was calling out. We thought she was probably asking Ares to bring her some breakfast. Ten minutes later Ares was back in the box, and he seemed keen to dance again. She flew at 6:39 but then came to an east ledge only five minutes later. The pair mated at just after 7:00 AM.  

Astrid on the south side steeple perch

At 7:44 AM Ares was back to the box and he and his mate were having a spirited conversation. They mated on the east veranda at 8:28. Five minutes later Ares screeched through the canyon. He landed on a west ledge with prey. After processing it Ares brought it to the nest box. She had to scramble over the east veranda perch to get her prize. She flew off with it, but we couldn’t find where she went. He ended up on the north face of the State Building. At 9:05 Astrid was on the south steeple ledge – a place we hadn’t seen her perch in a long while. There was an aborted mating attempt there fifteen minutes later. He came to the nest afterwards and did some housekeeping – squeaking almost the entire time. At 10:25 the falcons were still in the same places. At 11:00 Ares came to the box with prey. Astrid came over and accepted it. She took the meal to the hotel. While she fed Ares watched over her from a high perch on the State Building. At 11:12 Astrid was done with her meal and she flew to the north perch on the steeple. By 11:55 both falcons had been out of view for a little while. Suddenly Ares blasted into the box calling very excitedly. Once again, Astrid was on the south side of the steeple. At 12:05 PM she launched from her perch to chase an errant crow that had wandered into the canyon. Ares also joined in the police action. We heard the crow give a few harsh distress calls but otherwise we didn’t see the altercation. Before a minute had elapsed, Ares was back at the nest and Astrid was on the State Building.

Food exchange at the nest

For the next thirty minutes Ares was in and out of the box a few times. She came to the crossperch at 12:26 and then the pair shared a ledge display. He was out ten minutes later, and she did some chores in box like making a scrape and digging. At 1:00 both falcons were again out of view, but then Ares showed up on the hotel with prey. It looked large and chunky, and it may have been a Woodcock he had pulled out of storage.  Five minutes later he flew off with the prey and likely stored in his State Building pantry. Astrid was up from her steeple perch at that point, but we don’t think she received the prey. At 1:43 Ares went back to the nest again and he started calling immediately. Astrid soon showed up on the crossperch. At 1:48 she requested mating and moved over to the west veranda. A mating took place there six minutes later. Both falcons were out of camera view at 2:15. At 2:39 Ares was back to the box and calling. Astrid had landed on an east ledge. She soon made her way onto the east veranda and a mating took place there at 3:06. Fifteen minutes later he was at the nest and the two were conversing. They mated at 3:24 and then they mated four more times between 4:00 and 4:50! Ares brought a Starling to the box at 5:00. Astrid took it from him on the crossperch, although it took a while before he let go of it. She flew over to the hotel with it but didn’t eat it. Instead, she left it lying next to her on the ledge. Ares flew over and perched on the same ledge for a while. Both seemed to be enjoying the afternoon sun. It had warmed up into the mid forties by that point and much of the snow that had fallen on Wednesday had melted. At 5:07 Ares was back in the nestbox. Fifteen minutes later Astrid was on the steeple and Ares had gone to the hotel to eat some of his catch from earlier. As it happened, he didn’t eat much of it. Astrid was at the box and vocalizing at 5:30 PM. At 5:45 she dashed off and we assume she went to her night perch. Ares came to the box for a while and gave a few ling calls. At 5:54 he flew over to the County Building and stayed there for about a half hour. After that he was out of view.


The Little Falls Peregrine Falcon pair (named Anna and Erie) were seen today at their nest. Interestingly, they are nesting on the Adirondack Bank Building in Little Falls. This is the second year that they are using an unmodified ledge on that building for their nest. The prior two years the same pair nested on a covered ledge on a nearby cliff. Today Deb reported seeing a food exchange between the male and female. As with the Utica pair, courtship is well underway with the Lille Falls birds. Unfortunately, we have no cameras on that pair, and so we have no media to share. Goodnight all.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022 – A Surprising Amount of Breeding Behavior Despite the Reprise of Winter Weather

Astrid on a west ledge on the ADK Bank

The overnight period was cold with temperatures in the high 20’s. Skies were partly cloudy until later in the morning when snow began to fall. Once again wind was an issue in the canyon, but it was not as relentless as it had been in recent days. Astrid arrived at the box super early – at 12:23 AM! She stayed on the long perch for the balance of the night. At 5:24 she darted into the dark canyon and Ares arrived within a minute of her departure. He immediately began calling to her. At 5:28 he uttered a few alarm calls and flew. He screeched back at 5:55 but was there for less than five minutes. His next stop was the lookout post on the roof of the State Building. At 6:23 he was on a ledge at the hotel. There he was busy processing some fresh-caught prey. It appeared to be a Common Grackle. Obviously anticipating the arrival of a gift, she came to the nestbox. After eating some of it himself, Ares brought the meal to his mate at 6:32. She accepted it and flew it over to the hotel.  At 7:14 Astrid had finished breakfast and was back to a window ledge east of the nestbox. At 7:18 the pair mated. He returned to the box at around 7:40. She landed on a west ledge a few minutes later which got him highly excited. Just before 8:00 AM the pair had a failed mating attempt. At 9:00 they tried again and were successful. Ten minutes later Ares went to the west face of the State Building, pulled a Woodcock out from one of his pantry ledges and then buzzed by Astrid with it. He then brought it to a ledge just to the west of the one she was perched on. There it stayed; she had no interest in taking it.

Ares snoozing on his pillar perch

At 9:44 AM the pair were conversing again – him at the nest and her on a west window ledge. They mated ten minutes later and then Ares flew up to perch on his pillar. At 10:02 he moved to the west veranda. Periodically he gave long calls for the next hour or so. He also did some work inside the box. He made a scrape and then did some digging in the gravel in the corner of the box – Hey! Isn’t that usually Astrid’s job. At 11:07 the falcons mated once more. After that Ares was out of view for a while. He showed up with a food gift at 11:29. Astrid accepted it on the west ledge and flew over to the hotel with it. By this point it was snowing more heavily in the canyon and, as it happened, the snow would continue right through the day and into evening. At 11:45 Astrid was back at the box and the pair mated. He then flew back up to his pillar perch and Astrid moved to the east veranda. For the next 90 minutes the falcons stayed in place. Ares snoozed occasionally, but the pair continued to guard the nest area. Just before 2:00 PM Ares was in the box and giving squeaking calls. 20 minutes later he was snoozing again. At 3:20 Astrid and Ares were loudly conversing. There was an aborted mating attempt at 3:38. At around 4:10 Ares was back in the box. The snowfall was intermittently quite intense, and we were amazed that the falcons were going on with their breeding and courtship rituals as if it were a bright sunny day. At 4:20 the pair mated again. Twenty minutes later Ares brought prey to the nest. Astrid accepted it on the crossperch and flew off. We couldn’t find where she took it, but it wasn’t the hotel. At 4:58 she came back to the crossperch at the box. Her crop was cartoonishly large. The pair mated a couple of minutes post her return. After that, Ares went to his pillar. A half hour later she was calling out and asking to mate. At 5:48 they did and then he yoyoed back to his pillar. At 6:00 Astrid retired. She darted around the east side of the State Building and disappeared. Ares stayed on his pillar for nearly another hour and well after nightfall. Goodnight falcons.

Mating on a west ledge

Tuesday, March 8, 2022 – Falcons Have a Three Dance Day


After the rain and snow cleared out, the overnight grew colder with temperatures falling down into the high 20’s. By dawn the sky was clearer, but the wind didn’t relent. Fortunately, falcons love the wind, and they know how to use it. Ares first came to the nestbox at 4:07 AM. Once inside he remained quiet for close to 90 minutes. At 5:38 he came to life and flew into the canyon. He came back only two minutes later with a freshly caught Woodcock. How he was able to catch one that fast and evidently so close to downtown is open to conjecture. He called to Astrid, who by that point had landed on the State Building. He pleaded with her to come over. Of course, she wasn’t going to come over for a Woodcock. She hadn’t suddenly changed her opinion on them since the day before. After a few minutes, Ares floated off with his gift and presumably stored in on one of his pantry ledges.  He then took a perch on a high ledge on the State Building’s north face. At 6:02 he had taken to the air again. When looking around with one of the PTZ cameras we noticed that there was a crow on the roof of the bank. It probably sounds like no big deal since they are not uncommon in the downtown area; but it’s unusual for them to perch on the falcon’s building. This individual certainly seemed ill at ease. Astrid must have seen it from her perch, but probably thought he was far enough away from the nest, and so wasn’t in need of harassment. Had he been a Raven she would’ve acted differently since traditionally Ravens can compete for nesting ledges with Peregrines. I recall being downtown a few years ago during the breeding season when a Raven flew low over the canyon and both Astrid and Ares went after it. They drove it hard until it was gone from of the territory.
“Beaking” during the ledge display (dance)

At 6:18 AM Ares returned to the nest box. He was very excited and was acting like he saw Astrid, but by then she had flown from her perch and we weren’t sure where she went. Perhaps she was doing a flight display for him. She returned to the State Building at 6:23. A half hour later both Peregrines were on the hotel. She was on the upper ledge and he was on the lower. At one point she did a half floating, half swirling down maneuver to his ledge and he took it as a cue to fly. At 6:52 Astrid came to the nestbox. Ares met her there with prey. She reached out to grab it from him on the crossperch and then took the meal over to the hotel. He soon joined her there and stood by while she dined. At 7:21 Ares was at the nest and calling excitedly. He must have seen Astrid flying. He had moved to the State Building by 7:37 and Astrid had gone back over to the hotel. At 8:09 both falcons were at the nestbox engaging in a ledge display. The dance featured a lot of beaking. He dove from the box seven minutes later and she departed soon after him. At 8:40 he was back and calling at the nestbox. He made a nice scrape in the gravel and then floated off into the canyon.  At 9:25 were hearing what we thought were distant chirp-type alarm calls. It sounded like Ares but we could tell. The wind was causing so much distortion on the stream’s audio, we couldn’t always tell just what we were hearing. Interestingly, we confirmed no matings today. This was probably because we were trying to do it mostly by sound and specifically by the chatter call that Ares gives when a mating is in progress. At 9:36 we heard Ares’s long calls a few times; they seemed to be coming from some distance away. At 10:12 Ares was at the box again and she was still on the State Building. In fact he was up and back to the box a few more times in rapid succession. Perhaps there was a mating or mating attempt, during this time, we couldn’t confirm anything. At 11:14 Ares was giving long calls in the box. Five minutes later Astrid came over and the two shared a ledge display. There dance consisted of beaking and no fancy dance moves. The pair pretty much held their positions throughout. He was out six minutes later, and she lingered to do some work around the box. She made a scrape and then bit at some stones. She also raked stones with her bill at one point. We don’t see her do that very often.

Astrid about to make a scrape

At 12:17 PM A&A reconvened at the nest and performed another ledge display. This one was near identical to the last. It consisted of some beaking and no moving around. It seemed like we were seeing a repeat. Just like the last time Ares dove out of the box after six minutes. At 12:24 Astrid started calling in the box like she saw Ares fly through. Sure enough he had flown in and had landed on a west ledge. He had prey in his talons. After a minute he flew off without first handing it to Astrid. Astrid left the box at 12:33 and Ares came in right after. It was almost like a switch over of incubation duties, but obviously there are no eggs yet to incubate. At 12:38 Ares was making a real fuss in the box. Maybe she was performing a flight display for him, and we were hearing his reaction to it. He left the box at close to 1:00 PM. Once again, he was back and forth to the box often during the course of the afternoon. He was either getting over-the-top excited and/or calling for his mate to come over. At 3:23 he came to the box with prey. Astrid met him and accepted the gift. She flew off to the southeast with it. By 3:46 he was back in the box giving long calls again. At 4:15 both Peregrines were giving chirp-type alarm calls which usually indicates a Peregrine intruder, but neither Astrid nor Ares left their respected perches. From that we glean it probably wasn’t a Peregrine, but some other raptor species. At 5:37 Ares took off like he was going to mate with Astrid on the State Building but instead he flew past her perch and landed on the northeast lookout post. We are not sure how long he stayed up there. Astrid left her perch at close to 6:00 PM. We watched her fly from her north face perch and dash around the east face. By that point both seemed to be getting settled in for the night. Goodnight all.

More beaking

Monday, March 7, 2022 – Falcons Make the Most of their Rainy Day with Ten Matings, Three Food Exchanges & The First Woodcock of the Season

Ares gets the first Woodcock of the season – brings it to the nest at 3:42 AM

The overnight brought a cool down from the unseasonable warmth of Sunday. Temperatures were in the mid-30’s by sunrise. Rain arrived by mid-morning and fell intermittently throughout the day. Ares came to the box at 3:42 AM. He had a freshly caught Woodcock in his talons. It was the first one of the season. It dangled from his talons as perched on the crossperch calling for his mate to come and get it. Of course, she wasn’t coming. Somehow he forgets every year that his mate has no interest in Woodcocks – even those that are so thoughtfully procured in the pre-dawn hours. At 3:55 he flew off with it – maybe to bring it to her or, more likely, to store it on one of his pantry ledges. Two minutes later he screeched back to the box without the Woodcock. He called out into the dark canyon trying to engage with Astrid who was probably still on her night perch and maybe sleeping. Ares left only to come back at 4:20 with the Woodcock again. He flew off with it briefly, perhaps to do a flyby of Astrid’s perch to tempt her with the prospect of an awesome feast. He was back to the box at 5:00 and, at the same time, she showed up on the north face of the State Building. She still showed no inclination to come over to the box, despite his desperate calls, and the flaunting of her gift. He half-heartily plucked the Woodcock, but that made no difference. She still didn’t want it plucked or un-plucked. He finally gave up and flew off to store it.  

Ares calling for his mate to come to the box

Ares was bouncing in and out of the box so much, it was hard for us to keep track. At 6:30 he switched from squeak calls to long calls and his angst was tangible. She was on the County Building by this time, and he was directing his calls towards her. At 6:36 the pair had an aborted mating attempt on the County Building. Ares was back in the box at 6:50 and doing chores – biting at stones, moving stones around, important stuff like that. At one point he made a nice scrape in the gravel. At 7:20 there was another aborted mating attempt on the County Building. At 8:21 AM Astrid arrived on a west ledge near the box. Ares became highly excited and began calling to her. The pair mated five minutes later. It was raining by this point but that didn’t seem to affect the falcons’ spirit or mood. At 8:36 he brought a gift to her. It wasn’t the Woodcock, but something smaller. She took it over to the hotel and made it her breakfast. Ten minutes later she had finished her meal and was on the east veranda. They mated at 8:51 – and then again at 9:57. Following that Ares flew up to perch on top of his favorite pillar. They mated at 10:38 and then he again flew directly back to the pillar. The same thing happened at 11:13. He had become a yoyo between the pillar and his mate on the east veranda. At 11:28 Ares was on the corner of the west veranda and Astrid was on the east veranda’s opposite corner. They were Peregrine bookends guarding the box. He left at 11:38 and came back with a small meal which he handed to Astrid inside the nestbox. She took it over to a west ledge to eat. It didn’t take her long and then she was back to the crossperch. At 11:54 he brought her another tidbit. She took it to the same west ledge and quickly devoured it. She returned to the long perch this time and he dashed up to his pillar perch. At 12:16 PM the pair mated on the west veranda and then Ares yoyoed back to the pillar. After that he was on the east veranda and her on the west. They were in guard positions again. At 1:06 he hopped back into the box and made a scrape in the stone. By then she had tucked in on the west veranda – probably due to the rain.

Astrid at the nest in the rain
A very wet Ares snoozing on his pillar perch
Astrid on the east veranda and Ares on his pillar

At 1:40 PM both falcons were again perched on opposite sides the verandas. They looked like a pair of gargoyles. At 2:05 Astrid hopped onto the crossperch and asked to mate. Ares dove from his perch as if he was going to comply but then failed to come back. At 2:18 Ares was back in the box and Astrid was on the crossperch. She moved to the east veranda and a couple of minutes later the pair successfully mated. At 3:00 Ares flew from the pillar to the box. Twenty minutes later they mated again on the east veranda, after which he yoyoed back to his pillar perch. He was back and forth between the pillar and the box twice more in short order, and then at 4:35 he went out of view for a while. At 5:33 Astrid was also away from the box area, but not for long. She returned to an east ledge at 5:44 and they mated there only moments later. He was back at the box at 5:56 and she left at about the same time. He gave a few angst-filled long calls and then held vigil until well after dark. He finally flew off at 6:30 PM. A strong storm passed through the downtown area not long after he retired. Wind and rain battered the box and the cameras. Goodnight all.

Sunday, March 6, 2022 – Summer-like Weather Brings an Increase in Breeding Behavior


Some rain fell overnight, and the temperature stayed in the low forties. After daybreak there were a few intense rain squalls and the wind became strong and steady. By mid-morning the rain had cleared, the sun had come out, and the temperature surged into the 50’s. It would ultimately hit 70 degrees by mid-afternoon! The falcons were eager to get the day underway. Ares came to the box at 5:00 AM on the dot. Astrid came to a west ledge at the same time. Almost immediately she was asking to mate. He dove into the canyon like he was game but didn’t double back. In fact, he didn’t come back for another 15 minutes. I reckon he took the scenic route. At 5:30 she was on the State Building, and he was giving long calls at the nestbox. Ten minutes later he was up. We heard some distant calling, but we don’t think there was a mating attempt. At 6:20 both falcons converged on the nestbox. She then immediately flew out again. Some crows were calling in the canyon and the falcons weren’t pleased about it. The seem OK with the crows coming through outside of breeding season, but now things are different. He came in and out of the box a couple times in rapid succession. Was he chasing off crows between visits? Astrid then returned to her west ledge perch. He was in the box again and vocalizing. He started doing some housework; he made a big scrape in the gravel. At 6:25 Astrid was up again and flew over to the hotel. She wasn’t there for very long. Meanwhile Ares had gone to his lookout post on the roof of the State Building. At 6:43 he came back to the box calling. Ten minutes later she was on the west veranda asking to mate. He tried to comply, but his flight approach was off and the attempt was aborted.

Ledge Display

At 7:20 AM Astrid was napping on the west veranda perch when Ares flew through the canyon screeching. He landed on a west ledge with prey, and she eagerly scrambled over to take it from him. She got it in her talons and started feeding on it right there on the ledge. At 7:30 Ares was back to the box and the pair was having a conversation. She moved to an east ledge and they mated there. It was their first successful mating of the day. After being at the box for a little while Ares moved to the west ledge to finish the leftovers from Astrid’s meal. He brought a scrap back to the box to finish. Following that, both falcons were guarding the box on either veranda – him on the west and her on the east. By 8:20 the wind had increased although the falcons didn’t seem to notice, and they certainly weren’t put out by it. High wind is never a problem for them; to the contrary, it represents limitless free rides. He was back in the box at 8:37 and then was up ten minutes later. She was on the east veranda until close to 8:30 and then she went over to perch on the Grace Church steeple. The pair had an aborted mating attempt there at 9:40. Twenty minutes later he was back to the box. At 8:30 he got up, stretched, fanned out his tail feathers, and hopped out onto the crossperch. He then gave a long call into the canyon. Ten minutes later he was giving chirp-type alarm calls. There was a flacon intruder in the canyon. Astrid didn’t seem very upset about it which was a pretty good indication that it was a male. Ares launched from the box, came right back, and then launched again. he was giving piercing alarm chirps the whole time. Astrid came to the nest at 11:12 AM. She kept looking up so perhaps Ares was sparring with another falcon in the airspace above the canyon. She flew only a minute later.

Astrid on the steeple

Ares returned to the nest box at 11:28 AM. Astrid was on the State Building at the time. They were both gone two minutes later. At 11:38 one of them was soaring in a circle high above the State Building – perhaps guarding the airspace. Ares came to the box calling at 12:05 PM. He acted like he saw his mate, but we couldn’t find her with our cameras. Almost a half hour later we picked her out on one of the lower steeple perches. How long had she been there? She was doing a lot of preening as if she had recently bathed. At 1:00 were heard Ares’ characteristic screech call from a long way off. A minute later he was back to the box and giving squeaking calls. Ares gets extremely vocal during the breeding season. Minutes later he moved from the box to the State Building. At 1:20 he was to the box again and then up. She left the State Building at 1:21 and then Ares arrived at the box once more. He called to her after she landed on the State Building. At around 2:20 PM the pair came together at the nest for a ledge display. Following his departure, Astrid puttered around in the box for a while. She made a scrape at one point. At 2:36 Ares became very excited and was giving loud chirping-type alarm calls. Astrid was still in the box at the time and didn’t seem too worried about anything. He was on the State Building and wasn’t involved in chasing after anyone, so the intruder probably wasn’t a Peregrine.


At 3:20 PM Ares brought prey to the nest and tried to call Astrid over to get it. She didn’t want to leave her ledge on the State Building and so he brought the food to her. She accepted it and ate it right there on the ledge. Ares then flew back to the box and she joined him there at 3:28. The pair then partook of their second ledge display of the afternoon. At the end of the dance, he flew out into an increasingly windy canyon and she stayed inside doing housekeeping chores – mostly digging in the corner and biting at stones. For the next two hours Ares was in and out of the box a half-dozen times. She was mostly on the State Building on a few different perches. At 5:08 she was on a windowsill. It is conceivable that we missed a mating or two during this period. It was very windy and difficult to hear their vocalizations over our live stream. We last saw Astrid at 5:35 and Ares at 5:55. Most probably, they were off to their night perches. Goodnight falcons.