Friday, March 25, 2022 – The Laying of the First Egg of the Season is Likely Not Imminent

The overnight was chilly with temperatures dipping below the freezing point. The sky was partly cloudy in the morning and the temperature peaked in the mid-forties. Fog rolled in about an hour before sunrise and it shrouded the downtown canyon until nearly mid-morning. Astrid was on the west veranda and Ares was at the box at 4:52 AM. We’re not sure if they visited earlier than that. My recordings stopped overnight, and I couldn’t check back before that. At 5:03 Astrid hopped into the box and the pair shared a dance. Ares bailed out six minutes later. He came back at 5:56 with a fresh caught Woodcock. Astrid showed no sign of accepting it and he flew away to store it. At 6:18 Ares screeched to the long perch but stayed for only a moment. Astrid left the nest at 6:28. He came back to the box five minutes later and she arrived five minutes after that, but she immediately dove out again. She was on the west veranda at 6:43 and he was calling to her from the nest. He left shortly after 7:00.

At 7:07 AM Ares was back in the nestbox. The pair mated on the west veranda at 7:30 and then Ares went to his pillar perch. At 8:13 he screeched to the nestbox and they mated fifteen minutes later. At 8:42 Ares returned to the box with the Woodcock. Astrid was not interested so he nibbled on it himself for a few minutes before going to put it back in storage. He was back and vocalizing in the box at 8:48. She left her veranda perch a few minutes later. They mated on a west ledge at 9:27. An hour later he was at the box and calling. She hopped into the box for a very short dance and then she was out again and to the steeple. He then did some digging around in the gravel. Both were up at 11:00 but then he came back to the nest. Fifteen minutes later she was on the steeple again and he was out of view. At 11:46 he was at the nest and she was out of view but he was calling like he could see her. She then landed on the west office perch ane did some feather preening and some toe cleaning (a falcon self-pedicure). A few minutes later he began calling and then he was up. The falcons were both out of view at 12:30 PM

At 12:53 PM Ares screeched back to the nest. He was highly excited. Astrid blasted into the box and the two shared a dance. He was out a couple of minutes later. At 1:40 Ares was back to the box and vocalizing but we didn’t see Astrid. A female Kestrel flew through, and Ares went to his lookout post. At 1:48 he flew to the nest and was calling. He was reacting to Astrid sailing around the State Building. She landed on a high perch on the north face of the State Building. At 2:18 we noticed that Ares was perched on one of the light poles on the roof of the bank building. It a common perch for our immature falcons but an uncommon one for the adults outside of fledging season. A Pigeon hazed him just as he was flying off. He headed directly to the box and began vocalizing. Ten minutes later the pair mated on the steeple and then Ares boomeranged to the nest. At 3:42 Astrid flew to a west ledge and Ares, probably anticipated a ledge display, headed back to the box. She flew, bypassing the box and landed back on the steeple. They mated there at 4:12. Fifteen minutes later there was either a food exchange (it didn’t happen at the box) or Astrid pulled a meal out of Ares’ pantry. She took it to the hotel and Ares sat nearby guarding her as she fed. At 4:44 Astrid had moved to a high perch on the State Building. By this point it had started raining. At 5:00 PM Ares was up on his lookout post. He came to the box 20 minutes later. At 6:20 the pair were holding their positions – him at the box and her on the State Building. With the chilly weather and the rain, we weren’t expecting any late day action from them. He joined her on the State Building at 6:27. He came to the box one more time at 7:08 and stayed for about ten minutes. Astrid remained on the State Building for a while longer and then at a few minutes before 8:00 PM she landed on the crossperch. She left five minutes later. Astrid doesn’t act like the laying the first egg of the season is imminent. We think that she is at least five days out, but we’ve been surprised before so we shall see. Goodnight falcons.

Thursday, March 24, 2022 – Ares Feeds Astrid on the Veranda

The overnight period was cold and wet with temperatures in the high thirties. Light rain continued a little past dawn. The day was overcast with rain threatening and temperatures struggled to get into the mid-forties. Once again, it was windy. Ares was in the box at 4:00 AM. We don’t know when he arrived. Astrid was on the east veranda at 5:00 and we’re not sure when she arrived either. At 5:30 she was asking to mate, and he was preening in the box. They mated on the east veranda at 5:39. He went to his pillar perch afterwards. At 6:30 the pair were conversing loudly. He returned to the box and then dove out again. They mated at 7:04. A food exchange occurred at 7:15 AM. Ares brought the food to the east veranda. She accepted it but we couldn’t find where she went with it. At 7:24 Ares screeched back to the nestbox. She was still on the east veranda, and he was getting very excited. They mated five minutes later. At 8:00 Astrid was vocalizing, and Ares was on his pillar. Ares was back in the box at 8:20. For a little while he was snoozing with his beak tucked into his shoulder. A few minutes later he was giving long calls and she was out of view. She returned to the east veranda at 8:46. She soon hopped over to the box and the pair shared a ledge display. The dance lasted over five minutes and was characterized by lots of beaking. After he left, she stayed inside the box and made a scrape. She also did some digging in the corner.

Ares feeds Astrid on the east veranda
Ares on his pillar perch

At 9:00 AM Ares was back on his favorite pillar perch. Astrid had moved over to the west veranda and tucked in on the platform. She was gone at 9:25 and Ares was back to the box and calling. Five minutes later she was on the east veranda. They mated there at 10:48. At 10:54 Ares was back to the nestbox. They mated on the east veranda at 11:25 and he was back to the box directly afterwards. At 11:36 she was asking to mate again, but Ares seemed to be more interested in resting. At 12:04 PM he brought a hunk of prey to Astrid on the east veranda. When she didn’t seem interested, he began ripping off little bits and feeding it to her like she was a nestling. We’ve seen this behavior a few times before, but it is not common. At one point he moved back over to the box, trying to get her to follow him. She didn’t, so he hopped back onto her platform and fed her some more. When she still didn’t want to take it, he went to the opposite corner of the veranda and started eating it himself. At 12:20 the pair shared a ledge display. The dance featured lots of beaking. Ten minutes later Ares was on his pillar, and she was on the west veranda.

Astrid on the roof of the nestbox

At 1:10 PM Ares was at the box and Astrid was tucked in on the west veranda. A little later they were in nest guarding positions – him on east veranda perch and her on the west veranda perch. She was up at 2:20 and he was calling to her from the box. Five minutes later she was on an east ledge. They came together at the box for a ledge display at 3:07. After the dance she did some digging in the gravel. At 3:50 Astrid was on the roof of the nestbox. It was the first time this season that she had gone up there. Possible activity in the adjacent office could have been the reason. She stayed there until about 5:22 when she hopped down onto the long perch. Ares had been on his pillar perch but had moved to the east veranda. At 5:25 he left and came back to the veranda with a Woodcock. Of course, it was clear that she didn’t want it, and he soon moved over to a west ledge. And that, much to our surprise, she went over to him to take it. She didn’t bring it to the hotel and its possible she stored it or otherwise disposed of it. She reappeared on the east veranda at 5:37. He had screeched to the nest shortly before that. The pair mated on the east veranda at 5:40 and then at 5:48. She was asking to mate again at 5:54 but he remained on his pillar perch and preened his feathers. An hour later he brought prey to the nest. Astrid took it and flew to the hotel. Ten minutes later when she was done eating, she came to the west veranda. He was at the box and calling excitedly. They mated at 7:08. She left at 7:30 only to return to the long perch at 8:07. By 9:10 she was off to her night perch. Goodnight falcons.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022 – Lots of Ledge Displays and Matings & Astrid’s Egg-laying Window Begins

The overnight was cold again with temperatures staying just under freezing. During the day the temperature struggled to get into the low forties. Light rain fell in the afternoon. Astrid was on the long perch at 2:00 AM. My recordings had stopped during the evening, so we didn’t know how long she had been there. At 3:26 Ares was in the nest and Astrid had moved to the west veranda. They were conversing and then she flew into the dark canyon a minute later. At 3:55 Ares dove out of the box but then boomeranged back. Perhaps they mated but we didn’t hear the mating chatter, so it was unconfirmed. At 6:23 AM Ares was back to the nestbox and Astrid was on the office perch to the west of the box. When she abruptly darted off at 6:50 Ares almost instantaneously flew off with her. This time both boomeranged back – her to the west veranda and him to the box. Ares left again but came right back with a food offering to his mate. She didn’t hesitate to take it from him and then she darted off to the hotel. At 7:54, following Astrid’s meal, both falcons were at the nest sharing a ledge display. He bailed out five minutes later. At 8:45 Astrid was on the steeple, but soon after they were in the box performing another ledge display. This time she left after only a minute and flew back to the steeple. They mated there at 9:10 but it was short since Ares’ trajectory was off.

At 10:05 AM Astrid was on the west veranda. They mated there at 10:10 and then again at 10:29. Ares then brought her another food tribute. It was some old thing pulled from storage and she didn’t want it. Both were perched on the State Building after that. At 10:37 Ares arrived at the nest and Astrid to the east veranda at 11:00. They mated there five minutes later. At 11:37 Ares retrieved a Woodcock from his pantry and tried to give it to Astrid. No big surprise, that didn’t work. To his credit, this time he quickly realized his folly and took the meal away. There was an aborted mating attempt at 11:46 and he yoyoed back to the box right after. At 11:50 both were at the box for yet another ledge display. When it was done and he was out, Astrid did a scrape in the gravel and carried out a few other important household tasks. At 1:10 PM Astrid moved to a window ledge east of the nestbox and Ares was in the box. By 2:15 he had gone to his pillar perch. Thirty minutes later he was at the box and giving high pitched chirp-type warning calls which meant there was a falcon intruder in the canyon. Astrid was still on the east veranda and didn’t seem all that upset. Of course that suggests that the intruder was a male – and therefore Ares’ problem. He was looking to the west before he shot off in that direction.

At 3:09 PM Ares was back and the pair mated on the east veranda although Ares’ chatter sounded cut short like it was aborted. At a few minutes before 4:00 PM Ares was back in the box and Astrid was sailing around the State Building. They performed a ledge display in the box a few minutes later. He left after about three minutes, and she remained in the box to make a scrape and do other housework. She was back on the east veranda perch by 4:30. They mated on the veranda at 4:45 and at 5:00. Ten minutes later Ares tried to give her a Starling on the veranda, but she didn’t want it. However, she did signal her desire to mate. They mated again on the east veranda at 5:41. Fifteen minutes later both falcons were out of view. Just when we thought we had seen then last of them for the night, at 6:00 Ares piled into the box and Astrid took her position on the crossperch. They were very vocal, and mated five minutes later. At 7:00 PM they were still talking, and she was asking to mate again. As the daylight faded and the green lights along the bank roof began to glow, Ares remained in the box trying to encourage his mate to come in for one last dance. At 7:30 she flew instead. It was dark by then. Ares spent some time squeaking to himself in the box before he also called it a night. Goodnight all.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022 – Performing Ledge Displays in Novel Locations

Ares waits for Astrid to take his gift

The overnight was chilly but dry. The temperature was just below the freezing point and rose to a high or 43 degrees by midafternoon. The falcons didn’t come to the nest at all during the night. Astrid arrived at the crossperch at 5:44 AM. She did some animated calling and then hopped into the box. Ares showed up at the nest with a Woodcock in his talons at 5:52. She went from the crossperch to the box, but she wasn’t interested in taking the Woodcock. This was the third morning in a row that Ares tried to give her one. This time he gave up easily and flew off to store it. He came back a few minutes later but didn’t stay for more than a moment. Astrid was inside the box, so he was happy. At 6:39 they were both over on the State Building – he was on the lookout post. He showed up at the box about ten minutes later, went inside and did some chores. They mated on the State Building a few minutes before 7:00. At 7:22 they were together on the same State Building ledge and were performing a ledge display. This was not unprecedented, but it’s not common for them to dance away from the nest. At 7:41 there was a food exchange. Astrid took it from Ares and flew over to the hotel. At 8:09 she finished and flew through the canyon. Ares came to the box and vocalized.

A dance that took place in the nestbox

At 9:10 AM Ares was back to the box and calling. Astrid was on the State Building. She moved to the east veranda at 11:05. While he dug in the stone in the corner of the box, she spent time giving a dirty look at the blocked office window. Ares then hopped over to the east veranda and the two performed a proper ledge display. It was their second dance of the morning that took place outside of the nest. These two were full of surprises. When the display was over Ares hopped back over to the nestbox. At 11:13 she floated off into the wind and he followed right behind her. The wind speed had increased by this time and would continue through the day and into the evening. At 12:22 PM Ares was in the box and Astrid came over from the west veranda to do another ledge display – this one at the actual nest. After he left, she stayed to do some of the box chores. At 12:41 she began calling like she saw him flying in the canyon. She was up a few minutes later. At 1:50 Ares screeched to the nestbox. He proceeded to clean his legs and talons as though he had just caught prey. During the afternoon Ares was back and forth to the nest many times – each time calling excitedly when inside. Astrid was mostly on the State Building during that period. At 4:48 Ares was at the box giving long calls but then he flew off giving cackle-type warning calls. Obviously, some non-falcon raptor or Turkey Vulture was in the territory. Five minutes later he was back to the nest with prey in his talons. Astrid came to the crossperch, but she didn’t seem all that keen on taking the tribute. The food was an unrecognizable hunk of something – perhaps it was Woodcock which would explain her disinterest. Both flew at 4:53 and then he came back without it only a minutes later. At 5:42 Ares was heard giving chirping calls from somewhere in the canyon. Was he talking to Astrid or was there a falcon intruder? She was on the State Building at the time but soon moved to the hotel. The last we saw; Astrid was on the County Building at 6:47 and Ares was in the box. They were both gone by 7:30 PM. Goodnight falcons.

Monday, March 21, 2022 – Two Days to the Beginning of the Egg-laying Window

Ares tries to convince Astrid to take a Woodcock

The overnight was cold and damp with temperatures dipping below the freezing point. It warmed up to 50 degrees by midmorning, but a steady wind made it seem colder. For the most part the day was sunny. Ares arrived at the nest with a Woodcock at 4:20 AM. He then called for his mate to come over. While he waited on the crossperch, he plucked his quarry. At 547 Astrid showed up on an east ledge. As usual, she showed no interest in the Woodcock. At 6:11 she moved to the east veranda. Ares was standing on the lip of the box with his gift clenched between the talons of one foot. A few minutes later he brought it to the east veranda and tried to get Astrid to take it, but she still was not interested. She preened her feathers, asked to mate, and looked at the scenery; she did anything and everything to not pay attention to the guy with the Woodcock. He kept moving closer to her but it didn’t make any difference. Finally, she flew off and he chased after her with it. Most likely he stored it on the State Building. Astrid ended up on the hotel where she likely was contemplating catching something more palatable – probably a Pigeon. At 7:02 both Falcons came to the nestbox. The pair mated at 7:06 and then again 5 minutes later. At 7:48 Ares was on the County Building and Astrid had returned to the east veranda. He came to the box at 8:10 and she started a conversation with him. At 8:55 he was giving high pitched chirp-type alarm calls which likely indicated the presence of a falcon intruder in the canyon. Since Astrid wasn’t getting involved, we assume it was a male Peregrine. At 9:10 AM Astrid was on the steeple. She left to join Ares at the box for a dance. He dove out of the box about 5 minutes later.

Astrid and Ares share a Ledge Display

At 9:30 AM Astrid was tucked in on the west veranda and Ares was on the State Building. When he left at 10:18 she became animated and started calling on her veranda perch. At 10:35 we heard Ares screech from somewhere in the canyon. Astrid jumped out of the box and sailed on the wind in a circle. Both of them then converged at the box but she didn’t stay. She dove out and then buzzed by the 15th floor. It’s likely that something upset her, but it wasn’t too serious because she only did one pass and was not giving alarm calls. She went to the State Building after that. By 11:15 both falcons were perched on the State Building on adjacent legends. At 12:14 PM the pair conducted a ledge display at the nest. Fifteen minute later Ares then brought food to his mate. Astrid hopped into the nest to accept the gift and then flew over to the hotel. Ares did a slow pass in front of our PTZ camera on route to the hotel where he took a perch only a few feet away from Astrid. At 12:39 Astrid had finished her meal and was back at the State Building and Ares was back in the nest. Both were on the State Building again at 1:00. Astrid took off at one point but then landed back on the same building. For the subsequent three hours Ares came to the box several times. He called very excitedly whenever Astrid flew or changed perches.

Ares gives Astrid a food tribute

At 4:22 PM Ares left the box giving a cackle alarm call. There must have been a non-falcon intruder in the canyon, but we didn’t find it with our cameras. Presumably Ares warned it off or escorted it out of the territory. He was back to the box only a minute later. Astrid soon joined him there for another ledge display. Once he was out, she stayed to do housework in the box which included the all-important task of digging in the corner. At 5:48 Astrid was back in the box and calling. She was up again moments later. At 6:00 PM Ares did the same thing – excited calling in the box and then jumping into the wind. After 7:30 PM both falcons were out of view. We expect that Tuesday will be another active day in the canyon. On Wednesday we enter the beginning of Astrid’s egg-laying-window. Goodnight and stay tuned.