Saturday, June 18, 2022 – Kara Fledges & Percy Spars with his Parents

Kara on her inaugural perch where she remained all day

Percy and Ares spar over the canyon

Percy watches Kara on the roof of the nestbox – this was shortly before she fledged

Ares and Percy

Astrid drops off food to Kara

Ares drops off food to Astrid (left) while Kara waits to be fed (right)

Friday, June 17, 2022 – Kara Gets More Adventurous But Has Yet to Fledge & Percy’s Skills Continue to Improve

Kara holds out her wings in Friday’s strong winds
Percy does a lot of flying on Friday
Percy on the bank roof

Ares on the bank roof
Percy heads back to the nestbox
Percy comes in for a landing on the long perch right next to Kara
Astrid lands on a light pole on the bank roof

Thursday, June 16, 2022 – Percy Returns to the Nest to Spend Quality Time With Kara & Kara Has Yet to Fledge

Percy watches his parents fly overhead from the bank roof
Percy and Kara at the nest in the rain – Astrid on the nestbox roof
Ares flies in with prey
A Northern Mockingbird sings in the church parking lot
Percy visits his sister at the nestbox several times on Thursday
Ares and Percy
Astrid on the bank roof
Percy enjoys the high wind on the bank roof
Ares feeds Percy on the State Building

Wednesday, June 15, 2022 – Percy Gets in Some Flying Time & Kara is Getting Close to Fledging

Percy on the bank roof
Astrid hazes the State Building window near Percy’s perch
Astrid feeds Kara on the east veranda
Astrid watching over the scene from the steeple
Percy returns to the nest in the evening
Ares soars over the canyon
Kara flaps her wings on the long perch
Percy on the State Building
Percy on the bank roof
Percy and Kara reunited at the nestbox
Percy spreads his wings to the wind at the very top of the State Building

Tuesday, June 14, 2022 – Percy Fledges!!! Offical Fledgewatch Begins – Volunteers Needed!!!

Percy makes his second flight of the morning
Percy on the long perch at the nestbox not long before fledging

Ares sails around the canyon and checks on Percy
Percy on the hotel not long after his maiden flight
Percy on the State Building
Astrid presiding over the days activities