First Day of Slightly Spring

Utica Peregrine Falcons Update for Monday, March 20th, 2023

Ares brings a fresh Starling to the box

A ledge display around Ares mega scrape

The first day of spring had a chilly start with temperatures around the freezing point. The high for the day was in the mid 40s. It was breezy but the sun was out for much of the day. Astrid arrived at the nest box at 3:07 AM. She left briefly but then came right back to the long perch. It seemed like she was waiting for Ares to bring her breakfast – something that he wasn’t doing in a hurry. At 6:09 Ares arrived’ he hopped into the box, but had no food gift. Astrid unceremoniously left and flew over to an east ledge. The pair mated there at 6:35. After that Astrid went back to the long perch at the box. Ares brought prey to a west ledge at 6 57. It appeared to be a Starling. Astrid did not come and take it from him until 7:11. She then had her breakfast over on the hotel. At 7:46 Ares was giving chirping-type alarm calls in the box. This is the alarm call they typically reserve for instances when there’s a falcon intruder in the Canyon. However, Astrid was perched on the State Building and Ares was still at the box. It certainly didn’t seem like either one of them was outraged enough to mount a pursuit. At 8:04 AM Astrid was on the east veranda perch and both falcons were having a spirited discussion. She then went back over to the State Building at 8:05 and, as far as we know, they remained in place until 10:15. That’s when the two took part in a ledge display. During the dance Ares stayed on his mega scrape and Astrid was crowded up to him. There was some enthusiastic beaking in this display but little footwork. At 10:24 Ares brought a food gift to the east veranda. He then hopped into the box with it. It was very small and she really didn’t have any interest in it. She just hopped out onto the crossperch, seemingly ignoring the guy with the gift. Ares tried once more to give it to her, but she flew off. It was then that we noticed there was what looked like an entire Woodcock stored on a west ledge.

Astrid on the steeple

At 10:46 PM Astrid was perched on the steeple and Ares was at the box. At 11:08 Ares started chirping in the box as if he had an intruder sighted. Minutes later both falcons were out of view – presumably giving chase. Were they dealing with an intruder? At 11:30 Ares was once again in the box and giving chirping calls. Astrid had returned to the State Building. Ares soon transitioned into giving long screeching calls, also known as terradactyl calls. At 11:35 there was an aborted mating attempt on the State Building. Ares circled back to the box afterwards. At 1:41 PM the falcons were together in the box having another ledge display. Ares was out after about 10 minutes. At 3:25 Ares was back in the nest box and Astrid was on the State Building. As it happened, they were up and down quite a few times in the next two hours. So much so they were difficult to keep track of. At 6:11 Ares brought a small food item to the box. He called out for Astrid to come over, but once again she didn’t seem to be in any hurry. It was a bat; the first one we’ve seen Ares catch this season. A few minutes later Astrid came, presumably to take her gift, but by then there was no gift. Ares had finished it. She doesn’t like bats anyway. For her they are on the same list as cuckoos and woodcocks. Instead of a food exchange, the pair preformed another ledge display. At 6:22 Ares was out of the box and Astrid remained. She had moved to the west veranda by 6:30. Fifteen minutes later she was on Deb’s Perch and Ares was in the box. She was asking to mate. They then had an aborted mating attempt at Deb’s Perch at 7:04.It seemed that both falcons had retired for the night by around 7:30 PM. Goodnight falcons.

Winter Weather Slows Down Breeding Behavior as We Get Close to the Start of the Egg Laying Window

Utica Peregrine Falcons Update for Sunday, March 19th, 2023

Ares stands over his mega scrape during the ledge display
Looks as if Ares was going to lay an egg

The overnight was like the dead of winter with a low temperature of only 19 degrees. Strong winds and some lake effect snow squalls persisted through much of the day. The high temperature for the day came close to the freezing point. Ares made his first appearance at the nest box at 4:07 AM and stayed for about an hour. At 6:41 he came back to the nest with a prey item. At the time Astrid was in a windowsill on the State Building. When she didn’t come over to get her gift Ares flew over and landed in the window next to hers. She still didn’t want the food, so Ares flew back to the nest with it. Ultimately, he stored it on one of his pantry ledges. The prey appeared to be part of a Woodcock which might explain why Astrid wasn’t interested. At 8:00 Ares was taking a nap inside the box. Astrid was still on the State Building. At one point Ares was awake and perched over his mega scrape. It almost looked like he was trying to lay an egg.

Lots of beaking behavior during the dances
Food exchange at the nest

At 10:15 PM snow squalls started hitting the downtown area. Ares had been up but he returned to the box at 10:42. At 12:46 PM the snowfall had paused and Ares was up. He returned to the box at 12:53. At 1:39 the pair held a ledge display inside the nest box. There was a fiar amount of beaking involved in that dance. After it was over, about 8 minutes later, Ares flew out. Once again it was snowing heavily. At 4:37 Ares returned to the box. Astrid had been on the State Building for a while at that point. The snow squalls were continuing on and off. At 5:37 both falcons were out of view for a little while. Ares returned to the box at 5:46 and a minute later Astrid joined him for a ledge display. During most of the dance Ares was standing on his scrape. Like the last display, this dance featured a lot of beaking. Ares left at 5:55. At 6:26 PM Ares came to the box with leftovers of something. Astrid accepted it in the nest and flew over to the hotel with it. Meanwhile the persistent wind was buffeting the PTZ cams. At 6:36 Astrid was done with her meal and she flew back to perch on the State Building. As she arrived, Ares left his perch on the same building and went to the box. At 6:49 both falcons were on the north face of the State Building. At 7:00 Pm both were out of view and perhaps off to night perches.

A Four Dance Day!

Utica Peregrine Falcons Update for Saturday, March 18th, 2023

Astrid & Ares preform their ledge display around the rim of Ares’ super-scrape
The pair in their first ledge display of the day – dancing in the dark
Ares tries to get Astrid to come over for a Woodcock – that trick never works

It was chilly overnight with the temperature staying close to 32 degrees. The high for the day was around 40 degrees. Some light precipitation fell in the afternoon mainly in the form of snow but there was little or no accumulation. Ares first came to the box at 3:27 AM. He stayed for about 8 minutes. He then returned at 4:05 with a Woodcock. He spent some time on the crossperch plucking it. As expected, Astrid didn’t come over to take it. At 5:12 Astrid and Ares came to the box together and held a ledge display. At 6:52 Astrid was on a window sill on the State Building and Ares was on his lookout post on the roof of the same building. At 6:54 both falcons went after something. We don’t know if it was prey or an intruder. One landed briefly on the long perch at the nest box. It was Astrid, and when she fanned out her tail feathers we noticed that one of her feathers was broken. Fortunately, that shouldn’t hamper her flying at all. She soon floated away on the wind like a kite. Indeed, the wind was getting stronger which comes as good news if you are a Peregrine Falcon. At 7:17 Ares was back to the nestbox with prey. It appeared to be the Woodcock again. Astrid still wasn’t interested. At 7:22 he was on the hotel but without his prey. At 7:43 he returned to the box and, once again, he had the Woodcock in his talons. Astrid was on the State Building, and he called out to her to try and encourage her to come for her gift. She wasn’t budging, but he wasn’t taking “no” for an answer. He made a special delivery right to her ledge. Of course, she still didn’t want it. Ares was back at the box at 8:00 and doing some work on his mega scrape. At 8:53 both falcons were flying. We think they were dealing with an intruder but we could not confirm that. A minute later Ares was back to the nest and Astrid was on Deb’s perch. At 9:11 the falcons were involved in a ledge display the nestbox.

One of the four dances that took place on Saturday
Ares looks on as Astrid finishes a large meal on the hotel ledge

At 11:00 AM Ares brought prey to the nestbox. It appeared to be a Blackbird, but we couldn’t see it well the way Ares was holding it. He called a few times to get Astrid to come over. Surely, she would come over for a Blackbird? He plucked it on the crossperch for about ten minutes. After that he brought it to the east veranda and that’s when Astrid finally flew over to take it. She brought it over to the hotel and made a meal of it. At 1:10 Astrid was on the lower steeple perch. We hadn’t seen her there in a while. By 1:45 both Falcons were up and out of view. We saw a Turkey Vulture flying high over the downtown canyon. At 2:08 the falcons had their third ledge display for the day. At 4:36 both falcons were perched close to each other on the hotel ledge. Astrid was feeding on something large. It was probably a pigeon. Most likely she caught it herself, but we are not sure. We didn’t see Ares try to steal any. But then he was probably already full on Woodcock. At 6:25 the falcons held a fourth dance at the nest box. This time there were mostly displaying/gesturing around the rim of Ares’ super-scrape. After Ares left the box Astrid did some work around the scrape area, mostly digging in the stones. At 6:58 one of the falcons, we think Ares, was back up on the lookout post. He went out after something a few minutes later – we think prey. He came to the nest at 7:13 and then was gone at 7:30 PM, probably for the night. Goodnight falcons.

Ares Proves That He is Still an Excellent Provider

Utica Peregrine Falcons Update for Friday, March 17th, 2023

Ares flies away just after mating

The overnight was cool with no precipitation. The temperature was around 35°. In mid-morning we started to get a mixture of light rain and snow. By late morning it became a steady rain and it continued through the afternoon. The high temperature was in the low 40s. Astrid was on the crossperch at 3:00 AM. We weren’t sure when she arrived. At 3:15 she hopped into the box for only a few seconds and then bailed out. Ares was on the west veranda right after that, but then he took off at 3:25. Five minutes later he returned to the box with a freshly caught killdeer, which appeared to be still alive. He soon dispatched it with a bite on the neck. He waited for Astrid to show up, but only a few minutes. He came back about eight minutes later and still had his prey. Once again, he left when Astrid didn’t promptly show up to take it. At 4:05 he came back, this time with a Woodcock, and started plucking it on the long perch. Predictably, she didn’t rush over to take it. He left at 4:14. He probably flew by her in an attempt to entice her to come to the box. He returned to the nest, but she still didn’t follow. He left again and came back at 4:16 – that time, without anything. It is likely that he stored both prey items. He left the box at 4:30 and then returned a minute later with a Woodcock which, oddly enough, didn’t seem to be the same bird. He couldn’t possibly have had enough time to get another one – could he have? He flew off two minutes later, only to boomerang right back – this time with empty talons. Astrid showed up on a west ledge at 6:54. It’s possible she was there earlier but we just didn’t notice her there. At 7:09 the pair mated on the east veranda. At 8:09 we think there was an aborted mating attempt on the steeple. Ten minutes later we heard chirping-type calls which sounded like the standard alert for a falcon intruder. In a flash Ares was up on the lookout post on the roof of the State Building. Both Falcons came to the box at 8:25. Ares went inside to work on his scrape. Meanwhile Astrid was on the edge of the east veranda and asking to mate. They mated at 8:33. At 8:51 Ares came to the box with a chunk of a Woodcock. No surprise, Astrid was not interested in taking it. He took it away and probably put it back ionto one of his pantry ledges on the State Building. At 9:09 Astrid was asking to mate again. And the pair did just that at 9:40.

Astrid watches Ares come into the box with food
Astrid on the “hidden” south facing Steeple perch

At 10:00 AM Astrid was still on the corner of the east veranda and Ares was back inside the box. She wanted to mate and he wanted to dance. By then it had started to rain. The pair shared a ledge display at 10:44. There wasn’t much footwork during the dance and Astrid took a break at one point to pick up some stones and maybe eat a few. After Ares left the box, Astrid did some housework around his mega scrape. While she was busy with that, Ares went up to his favorite pillar perch. at 12:16 PM the pair mated on the east veranda. Despite the rain, at 1:45 Astrid was asking to mate again. They mated one minute later and afterwards Ares returned to his pillar perch. At 2:12 Ares brought food to the nest. Astrid took it and started eating it on the east veranda which was unusual. A few minutes later she was up. She reappeared on the steeple at 2:41. They both stayed in place for a few hours – him inside the nest box and her on the steeple perch. At 5:15 PM Ares gave food to Astrid at the box. She took it over to the hotel. It may have been the killdeer that Ares had caught early in the morning. At 5:24 both Falcons were out of view for a while. Ten minutes later Astrid showed up on the west veranda and Ares, at 6:26. At 6:28 both Falcons took off. There was an intruder flying to the east of the State Building. It was too far away for us to identify. It appeared that both Falcons were hazing it as it flew. Given that it was raining again, we thought the falcons would retire for the night – that is, following their return from their hazing mission, but both came back to the nest area at 6:43. He was in the box and she was on the west veranda asking to mate. Both of them were very wet. She finally left for her night perch at around 7:30, and Ares retired a half hour later. Goodnight all.

Three Food Exchanges & Three Dances & Astrid Does a Late Sitting

Utica Peregrine Falcons Update for Thursday, March 16th, 2023

Ares brought food to the box at least four times today

At 6:00 AM Ares came to the nest with a Woodcock – 2nd one of the season

It was cold overnight with temperatures down around 26 degrees. The day was mostly overcast with a high temperature of 48 degrees. The sun finally came out only a couple of hours before sunset. Ares arrived at the nest box at 4:43 AM – bright and early, although maybe not so bright. Astrid arrived on the long perch right after Ares but she only stayed for a couple of minutes. We think she was hoping he had a food gift for her. He didn’t. He just wanted to dance. Astrid declined the invitation and flew over to the State Building. At 6 o’clock Ares was back to the box. This time he had a Woodcock dangling from his talons. He waited for a while for Astrid to come over and take it but of course she didn’t. She still doesn’t like Woodcocks. At 6:08 Ares went and stored his catch. After that both Falcons were on the State Building. At 6:55 Ares returned to the box and was wiping his bill on the crossperch. That usually means there was a food exchange, but Astrid was still on the State Building and didn’t appear to have anything, but we couldn’t tell for sure. At 7:09 the falcons mated on an east the ledge. Thirty minutes later Ares was on the east veranda with a fresh caught Starling. When Astrid wouldn’t leave her ledge to come over for it, he hopped over and gave it to her. At 8:07 Astrid was on the State Building and Ares was taking a nap on the crossperch.

Astrid busy with housework
ledge Display (Dance)

At 10:06 AM the Peregrines performed a ledge display inside the box. Ares left after about ten minutes while Astrid stayed to do some housework. She spent some time standing in Ares’ scrape and then she bit at the lip of the box for a little while. A very important task indeed. At 11:05 the pair performed another ledge display. This one was short, and Astrid bailed right at the beginning. We are not sure if she was spooked by something or what the issue was. At 12:12 PM Ares brought food inside the nest box. Astrid barreled in, grabbed it and headed for the hotel. At 12:28 Ares was back to the nest box and Astrid was on the State Building again. At 2:38 PM she had moved to the west office perch (also known as Deb’s perch) and Ares was inside the nest box. At 4:55 Ares gave Astrid more food at the nest box. He was in super provider mode today. Once again she took her gift over to the hotel. At 5:27 Ares was back in the box and Astrid was on the steeple. At 6:14 the falcons performed their third ledge display at the box. Ares was out after four minutes and went to the steeple. Inside the box Astrid made a scrape on top of Ares’ super scrape and did some more housework. Astrid then sat still in the nest for more than an hour while Ares remained on watch on the steeple. When Astrid begins doing long-ish sittings in the nest we know that egg laying isn’t all that far off. Perhaps it’s only ten days away or maybe less. One thing was for sure, it wouldn’t be tonight. They both left for their night perches at around 7:40 PM. Goodnight falcons.