Ares Gets in a Major Feeding Session & Astrid and Ares Resort to Shading & A Long Awaited Little Falls Falcons Update

The Little Falls Nestlings

Feeding time

Utica Peregrine Falcons Update for Monday, May 29th, 2023

Wing stretching

It was cool overnight. The low temperature was in the mid 50s. The day was another hot one. By midafternoon the temperature was in the mid 80s. Astrid spent most of the night at the nest area but not inside the box as she had been lately. Ares was on the north face of the State Building until at least 2:00 AM. He came to the box with a small prey item at 2:42. Astrid took it on the crossperch and did the first feeding of the day. Six minutes later the meal was done, and she was back out on the long perch. At 5:44 Astrid moved to the steeple. At 6:30 she did a quick chick check at the box and then moved to the east veranda. At 7:00 Astrid was on top of the nestbox and peering into the office window. Obviously she was expecting someone to come into the office. It being Memorial Day, that was perhaps unlikely. At 7:12 the nestlings were squealing inside the box. We noticed that their voices were getting much huskier. Indeed, their begging calls were becoming quite shrill. At 8:50 Ares brought prey to the east veranda. Astrid took it, flew off, boomerang back, and then hopped into the box to do a feeding. We could tell that the nestlings were hungry because they were grabbing at the food. Both were feeding quite voraciously at first and then Amelia walked away leaving her brother to get more servings. After a few minutes she came back and joined the chow line. At 9:00 the meal was over. Niles walked away and did some wing flapping in the corner. Ares was on the east veranda at that time and Astrid got back up on the roof of the nestbox. At 9:30 Astrid moved to the West veranda and then, 30 minutes later, to the crossperch. At 10:05 Ares came to the box for a chick check and Astrid took off. At 11:49 Ares brought prey inside the box. It appeared to be a Starling. He immediately began tearing off pieces and feeding it to the nestlings. Astrid had been on the roof of the nest box but left several minutes before Ares arrived. We didn’t know where she had gotten to. There was an opportunity and Ares seized upon it. Halfway through the meal, Amelia turned away and ceded the floor to Niles. Just like during the last meal she came back for more before it was completely served out. Ares was able to feed out the entire thing without interruption from his mate. When he was done he left the nest and, along with Astrid, was out of view for on extended time.

Does does a full feeding

Ares beaking with Amelia

At 12 58 PM Astrid came back into the canyon, arrived at the nest and did a chick check. We wondered where she had been all that time. At 1:15 she was on the State Building but then darted out after something. Ares came to check on the nestlings at 1:44 PM. At around 1:50 Ares was on the crossperch. Suddenly he looked up and was watching something in the distance. He darted off and came back with the bat.  Why a bat was out flying in the afternoon is open for speculation. Also, we don’t often get midafternoon feedings on hot days but that’s what occurred. Astrid took the bat from Ares and handled the feeding. It would be their last meal for a while. The afternoon became very hot in the nest – so hot that both Ares and Astrid took turns providing shade. Of course, the nestlings weren’t taking advantage of it, but it was there if they wanted it. Ares came in at 2:32. Amelia did some beaking with him. She bowed and swiped her open bill against Ares’ bill in a manner similar to what Ares does when beaking with Astrid during a ledge display. The chicks were somewhat uncomfortable and frequently switched from one back corner to the other. They were also being very vocal – sometimes begging right into Ares’ face. At 4:36 Astrid arrived at the box, hopped in and started shading. Ares took that as his cue to leave. For the most part Astrid was just as ineffectual in her shading as Ares was, but she was far more proactive than Ares. Flushing the nestlings out of their corners and looming close to them. She also jostled them and, one time, the egg as well.  The nestlings kept going from back corner to back corner, passing by Astrid each time – sometimes stopping to unleash shrill begging calls in her face. At 6:00 Ares arrived with prey. Astrid took it and did a feeding. The meal was over in less than five minutes and Astrid went out to the long perch. It was still close to 85 degrees, but the sun wasn’t flooding as much of the box’s interior, and the chicks weren’t as uncomfortable. Astrid came back in to shade at 6:32. After a few minutes of trudging around the back of the box, both huddled in a corner and let Astrid stand over them. At 7:04 PM Astrid went out onto the crossperch. It was finally beginning to cool down a little. At 7:36 Ares brought a hunk of food to the east veranda. Astrid skipped over, took it, and did a feeding. The nestlings were quite intense about getting this meal. Astrid left the box at 7:46. That would probably be the last meal for the night. Goodnight all.

Little Falls Peregrine Update:

The four Little Falls Nestlings and their parents are doing well. The Clutch appears to contain two males and two females.

The Nestlings’ Appearance Continues to Evolve & Back to the Hot Days of Pre-Summer!!

Utica Peregrine Falcons Update for Sunday, May 28th, 2023

It was relatively warm last night with temperatures in the 50s. After daybreak we experienced a warm up. The high temperature in the afternoon was in the low 80s. For the most part the nestlings in the box showed little signs of discomfort. Apparently, the days of the parents providing shade are well over. Astrid spent most of the night on the crossperch or on the long perch. She was gone for short periods a couple of times during the night. Ares brought a small bird to the box at 3:06 AM. Astrid took it on the crossperch. It was possible the prey was still alive during the transfer, but it may have just been the wind moving its wings. Astrid handled the feeding. At 5:08 Ares came to the nest and checked on the nestlings. He was only there for a minute. Five minutes later he was back with a hunk of food. Astrid arrived at the same time, grabbed the food and did the feeding. At 5:27 Astrid was on the State Building and Ares was up on the northeast lookout on the roof of the State Office Building. He was in hunting mode. At 6:12 Ares brought more food to the nest. Astrid took it on the crossperch and did the feeding. Ares returned to the State Building and to the northeast lookout. After the meal Niles did some wing flapping. The nestlings were starting to show some tan plumage on their cheeks as well as a fringe of feathers protruding from the end of their tails and the trailing edges of their wings. Their bodies also seem to be increasing in size exponentially. The nestlings were back in the corner of the box but they were not so tied to it as they had been in recent days. They were switching to the corner on the opposite side of the box. They were also doing more walking around and wing flapping. At 7:45 Astrid was on the roof of the nest box. This being Sunday she did not have anyone in the office to glare at. At 8:52 Astrid was feeding the nestlings again. We are not sure where the food came from. At 10:39 one of the nestlings was heard giving a cackle type alarm call. It was just practice and there was no real threat.

Otherwise, and visited the nest at 12:26 PM. Astrid made a short visit at 1:36. Otherwise, there were no feedings in the early part of the afternoon. At 2:32 Ares brought a Starling to the east veranda. Astrid took it and did a feeding. It was more raucous than meal times have been with this clutch. It seemed like the nestlings were very hungry this time. Both parents were visible on the State Building at 2:47. They took turns visiting the nest and checking on the chicks at 3:00. At 4:14 Ares brought food to the east veranda. Astrid took it and did the feeding. Niles bowed out early, ceding his place at the front of the chow line to Amelia. A few minutes later he walked back to get his share. At 6:08 Ares brought prey to the nest. He hopped in and started the feeding, but before he could get really into it, Astrid barreled in and took over. At 7:23 Ares brought more prey to the east veranda. Astrid took it and handled the feeding. The prey appeared to be leftovers of a Pigeon. Astrid began by feeding Niles. Amelia stood by patiently for a little while before joining in. At 7:35 the meal was over and Astrid went out onto the long perch. At 7:42 Niles was laying down at the front of the box with his bill resting on the box lip. That was the first time we had seen that behavior this season. The action was probably over for the night – although that’s always hard to say conclusively. Goodnight all.

The Nestlings Start to Get their Dark Masks – They Also Come Out of the Corner!

Ares beaking with Amelia

Utica Peregrine Falcons Update for Saturday, May 27th, 2023

Astrid on the roof of the box
A&A guarding the nestbox

In the overnight period the temperature dropped from an evening high of 70 degrees to a nippy low of 39 degrees. After daybreak the temperature rebounded again – ultimately rising to 78 degrees. Astrid was around the nest area for much of the night although not in the nestbox for long. Ares brought food to the nest at 12:50 AM. Astrid took it and did a feeding. He brought more to the east veranda at 2:20 AM. Astrid collected the mall prey item and fed it out to the nestlings. At 5:00 we could see that one of the parents was on the west face of the State Building. It may have been Ares drawing food from a pantry ledge because moments later he brought food to the nest. Astrid took it from him and conducted a feeding. At 5:12 when the feeding was over Astrid moved out onto the long perch. At 6:20 Astrid had moved onto the roof of the nestbox. No one should be in the offices today so theoretically she shouldn’t get provoked.   At 7:35 Ares brought prey to the east veranda. Astrid got it from him and did a feeding. As for the nestlings, they were still staying huddled in the west back corner of the nestbox. That’s also where Astrid has been feeding them. Although we are not getting the best views of them we can tell that both Amelia and Niles are beginning to get their dark eye masks. Amelia’s mask is a little darker and better defined – or at least it was this morning. Astrid returned to the roof of the nestbox once the meal had been served out. At 8:46 A&A were guarding the nest box – he was on the crossperch and she was on the west veranda. By 9:30 Ares had left and Astrid was on the east veranda. At 9:50 AM Ares brought another meal to the nest area. Astrid took it and brought it into the box. The chicks were fed in their corner. At 11:16 Astrid was on the hotel sunning herself. She had flattened herself out like a blue Peregrine pancake. She was gone a few minutes later.

Astrid on the east veranda

At 12:07 PM Astrid was on the steeple and Ares was on the State Building. Thirty minutes alter Ares came to the box and sat on the long perch for a while. Amelia and Niles moved out of their corner, walked across the back of the box and to the opposite corner. At 12:50 Ares hopped into the box and the two chicks walked back to their regular corner. Ares then tried to give them a variety of things he found on the floor of the box. Perhaps a few were edible scraps. At 1:00 the nestlings were sprawled out on the floor of the box like a couple of snow angels. At 2:04 Astrid arrived at the nest with food. She started by going into the corner and feeding Niles. Amelia was in the middle of the box at that time. She patiently watched her mother feeding her brother for a little while before crashing the party and demanding her share. At 2:42 Ares was on the State Building and Astrid was on the steeple. Fifteen minutes later Astrid flew to the box to do a chick check. Ares was giving a series of long calls from somewhere in the canyon and the nestlings were squealing. Some of the vocalizations of Peregrine nestlings sound decidedly gull-like. At 3:51 Astrid was up on one of the light poles on the roof of the bank building. She does this very infrequently. She also happened to be trying to bring up a pellet. She flew over to the State Building a few minutes later. At 4:14 Ares came to the nest. He spent some time throwing shade on the egg while the nestlings were in corner. Amelia walked over to them and begged to his face. They did some beaking. He was out shortly after that. Astrid was on the east veranda at 4:56. She appeared to be waiting for Ares to bring in supper. At 6:07 she abruptly darted off to the west. She must’ve heard Ares call as he flew in with prey. He was on the hotel plucking something. Astrid flew back to the crossperch in anticipation of an incoming meal. When it didn’t materialize, she flew over to the hotel and tried to get it from him. But he was too fast and flew over towards the State Building taking his prey with him. She landed on the State Building, but he left there as well and flew north – again toting his prey. Astrid flew to the box and then to the steeple. She didn’t seem very pleased. Meanwhile, in the nest Niles did some walking around in the box and even flapped his wings a couple of times. At 6:30 Ares came to the crossperch. He didn’t have the prey he had been processing earlier. Did he store it? Deep fry it and sell it? We didn’t know. At 6:59 Astrid flew into the box with food. It appeared to be a large hunk of a Pigeon. She must have caught it earlier. She then doled it out to the chicks. The meal was over ten minutes later and she left. She was back to the crossperch a little while later and Ares was on the State Building. The nestlings were both in the east corner of the box. Goodnight falcons.

Nestlings Back in the Corner & Astrid Gets Mad

Ares glaring in the office window

Utica Peregrine Falcons Update for Friday, May 26th, 2023

Oner of the nestlings stretches a wing when approaching Ares
Astrid on the box roof again
Ares on the crossperch

It was cold overnight with temperatures getting down in the mid-30’s. It was mostly sunny during the day with an afternoon high temperature of 70 degrees. Astrid spent part of the night inside the box with the nestlings. She switched between being in the box and being on the crossperch and long perch. There were no overnight feedings. Ares arrived on the State Office Building at 4:45 AM. We heard him giving long calls at 5:08. He screeched to the nest with prey five minutes later. Astrid flew over at about a hundred miles an hour, took the food and did the first feeding of the day. After the feeding was over at 5:28 it looked like Niles was trying to get Amelia to brood him. Moments later Astrid was back and she did the brooding. Astrid left the nest at 6:13 and then came back fifteen minutes later with straggly Pigeon leftovers. She then proceeded to conduct a surprisingly long feeding session. At 7:18 Astrid was on the roof of the nestbox – obviously anticipating people arriving in offices. At 8:04 Ares came into the nest to brood the corner trolls, but he didn’t stay very long. At 8:15 Astrid gave a loud volley of cackle calls and did some brief hazing. She landed on the crossperch and then was back up on the roof of the box. She saw someone in an office. Ares also gave some long calls but wasn’t at all worked up. At 10:17 Astrid was feeding the nestlings. We think the meal came in from Ares but didn’t actually see it happen. At 10:34 Astrid did some more cackling but didn’t seem to stay upset for too long. Ares brought more food at 11:53. Astrid took it on the east veranda and carried out a feeding. Once again, Amelia and Niles were fed in their favorite corner. At 12:22 PM Astrid was back on the box roof but then was up again at 12:46. At 1:24 Ares came to the nest for a check. He hopped in and was approached by Niles. Ares then hopped back onto the crossperch and Niles retreated back into the corner with Amelia. A few minutes later Ares came back into the nest and then sat on the box lip for a little while. Astrid was over on the State Building.

Astrid feeds the nestlings

At 2:25 Astrid brought a Pigeon to the nest. Most probably it was something she caught. She proceeded to do a feeding. She fed them until they stopped taking it then she flew out with the leftovers. Niles and Amelia were still in the back corner when she left. Ares came into the box only five minutes later. He picked up a Pigeon leg from the floor and tried to feed it out to the nestlings. It took some convincing (they were already full) but they did take a few bits from him. Anyway, Ares seemed satisfied and he soon left the nest. Ares returned to the box at 3:00. He picked up a little scrap of feed on the floor and tried to pass it to one of the chicks. They still had huge crops from their recent meal. Ares left and the nestlings moved to the opposite corner of the box. At one point Amelia had a scrap of food in her talons and picked at it. That was a first! At 4:12 Ares screeched to the crossperch. He hopped into the box and got squeaked at by the nestlings. He hopped right back out onto the crossperch. At 4:25 Astrid came to the box. It had gotten windier and her feathers were getting ruffled. She soon flew back across the canyon and to the State Building. In the nest the chicks were finally getting more animated and walking around. At 5:22 PM Ares arrived on the east veranda with prey. Astrid took the offering and did a feeding. It was over after only three minutes and Astrid was out and to the steeple. For the next couple of hours, the parents were up and down from the State Office Building – presumably hunting. Meanwhile, the nestlings were mostly huddled in their back corner. Ares came for another chick check at 6:04. At 7:37 Astrid was back with food. She spent the next eighteen minutes or so stuffing the nestlings. She spent another ten minutes eating the leftovers there in the box. The while time they were all in the back corner of the box and in an awkward place to get pictures of. She flew out of the nest at 8:02. Ares left the east veranda at the same time. She was back on the east veranda five minutes later and Ares was on the State Building. Goodnight all.

The Nestlings Get Names!! & They Also Spend Another Day Being Box Corner Trolls

newly named Niles (top) & Amelia

Utica Peregrine Falcons Update for Thursday, May 25th, 2023

Our falcons nestlings have names! Thank you so much to all that contributed. There were lots of clever, thoughtful names to choose from. Alas, we cannot use them all. The female is Amelia and the male is Niles. We are also naming the chick that fell out of the nest before it was a day old. That one will be known as Athena. Thank you again to all that participated! 

Astrid feeding the corner trolls
Ares preening

It was very chilly overnight with the low temperature down around the freezing point. It warmed up during the day but struggled to get into the high 50s. Astrid did not come into brood last night until 10:42 PM. At the time it was around 43 degrees. Ares brought something small to the nest at 1:35 AM. Astrid took it and flew away with it but did not come back to do a feeding. She either stored it or ate it herself. She came back to the nest five minutes later but did not have anything. Ares brought another small prey item to the box at 3:19. Astrid took it and did a feeding. She was feeding the nestlings in the back corner where they tend to be all the time nowadays. After the meal Astrid did some brooding. Ares was visible on the State Building. Astrid left the box at 4:54. She returned ten minutes later and got back to brooding. At 5:31 Astrid left the nest. The nestlings were squealing. She came back right away with prey and did a feeding. After the meal was over Astrid hopped out onto the long perch. Both falcons were on the State Building at 5:40. Ares screeched to the nest box fifteen minutes later. It appeared to be a chick check. He did some brooding after that but only for a short time. At 6:08 Astrid was on the hotel. She was likely hunting. She took off after something but then was back again ten minutes later. At 6:23 Astrid came to the crossperch but did not stay. She stopped at Ares’ pantry and withdrew some food. She took it to the nest and did a feeding. When the feeding was over Astrid brooded the nestlings. At 7:01 Astrid was on the roof of the box. Obviously, she was anticipating the arrival of people in the offices adjacent to the nest box. At 9:01 both falcons converged on the nest box. Astrid left quickly but then came right back to the crossperch. Ares was gone at 9:06. At 9:52 Ares brought food to the east veranda. Astrid took it and started a feeding. Ten minutes later the feeding was over and Ares came into the nestbox. For a little while both parents and chicks were all together at the nest. At 10:14 Ares was out but Astrid remained. At 10:54 Astrid brought in a small food item. She then did a feeding.

A & A guarding the nest
Astrid brings in a Pigeon
Astrid takes out the leftovers

At 12:03 PM Astrid seemed upset and possibly did some hazing of the building. She came right back to the crossperch after that but soon took off again. At 12:33 Ares came to the crossperch. Perhaps thinking he had prey, Astrid then came right over, but then she displaced him from his perch. At 1:06 both parents were out of view. Ares arrived at the nest box a few minutes later. He walked over and checked out the chicks in their corner. At 1:10, Niles, the male nestling, walked out of the corner for moment, only to turn around and go right back. At 1:22 Ares landed on the crossperch with prey. Astrid scrambled over to get it and then fed the corner-dwelling trolls. After the meal Astrid left the nestbox. At 3:41 Ares came to the nest, hopped into the box and checked on the nestlings. He soon left but then was back again at 4:56. It looked like he was trying to feed them some scraps from the floor of the nestbox. Niles seemed interested and walked out of the corner and up to his father. Ares then went onto the crossperch. At 5:00 PM Niles walked across the back of the box to the opposite back corner. Perhaps inspired by her brother, Amelia emerged from the corner and walked into the box, stretching out her wings and she went. They had grown since the last time we had seen them ambulatory. At 5:25 Both parents converged on the crossperch. Ares immediately took off again and then Astrid flew to the steeple. She probably thought he was bringing food and had flown up to meet him. At 5:54 Astrid arrived at the nest with most of a plucked Pigeon. Obviously this was something she had caught and already eaten some of. She took it over to the nestlings’ corner and conducted a feeding. The feeding was a fairly raucous affair. When it was done Astrid flew out with the straggly leftovers. She was on the steeple perch for a while after that. At 6:28 Astrid came to the long perch and Ares was on the crossperch. It was nest guarding positions. Astrid then hopped into the box and Ares darted off into the canyon. At 7:19 Amelia walked a bit and flapped her wings a couple of times. That’s progress! Two minutes later Ares came into the box with processed prey. Astrid took it and did a feeding. It was pretty soon after a pretty large meal, so we didn’t expect them to eat much, but they packed some in anyhow. Astrid was out at 7:30 and over to the State Building. Ares was on an east ledge for a while but gone by around 8:20. Goodnight all.