Extended Freakout by Astrid & Niles Pulls Prey Away from Ares

Utica Peregrine Falcons Update for Monday, June 5th, 2023

Amelia does some wing flapping

Ares joins Astrid for part of her epic freakout over people in offices

It was cool overnight with a low temperature of 45 degrees. It was mostly cloudy and breezy during the day with an afternoon high of 72 degrees. It became very hazy in the afternoon as smoke from distant wildfires infused the air. Astrid stayed in close proximity to the nest for most of the night. Once again, the moon was very bright overnight. There were no overnight feedings. Ares brought prey to the long perch at 3:08 AM. Astrid had been on the east veranda but then scrambled over the crossperch to get the food. However, instead of starting a feeding, she flew off with it and didn’t come back. Astrid returned to the long perch at 5:31, but she had no food. The nestlings began squealing – they were asking for their breakfast. At 5:58 Ares brought more prey to the nest. Astrid took it and hopped into the box. Niles pulled the food away from Astrid but then she grabbed it back and began the meal. After a few moments Amelia joined in. At 6:13 Amelia Walked away while her brother continued to feed. She then did some wing flapping. With Niles losing interest as well, Astrid began ripping into what was left and eating it herself. A few times the nestlings came up to her and begged, but by then she was determined to finish it on her own – and they both already had their fill as was evident by the size of Nile’s crop. At 6:22 Astrid left the nest. At 6:38 Ares came to the nest ostensibly for a chick-check. He picked up a food scrap on the floor and handed it to Niles. Astrid came for a chick-check thirty minutes later. At 8:09 Ares was on the east veranda and Astrid was on the roof of the nestbox. Suddenly they both blasted off. Astrid started cackling and hazing the fifteenth floor. For the nest several hours Astrid continued freaking out about activity in the office near the nest box. She gave long cackle calls. She abruptly flew away and came right back over a dozen times. She cackled and then cackled some more. She cackled until her cackler was sore. The nestlings stayed calm during all of Astrid’s freakouts. A few times they began squealing, but that was because Astrid came to the crossperch and they wanted to be fed. At 10:49 Ares arrived at the nest with a small prey item. One of the nestlings grabbed it away from him. Astrid then came to the box, recovered the prey, and set about feeding it out. At first only Niles was being fed, but then Amelia joined in. At 10:54 the meal was finished, and Astrid was out. However, she came right back with another item – this time one from the pantry. She then proceeded to feed the nestlings once more. At 11:11 Ares got involved in the frenzy and started cackling too. They kept this up for about twenty minutes and then Ares seemed to get over it.

Astrid monitoring office happenings from the roof of the nestbox

Semi-raucous feeding session

Amelia first in line during the last meal of the day

At 1:06 PM Ares was back to check on the nestlings. They seemed fine and he was out again. Two minutes later he came to the east veranda with a Black-billed Cuckoo. Astrid took it and fed it out to the chicks. After the feeding Amelia and Niles did some impressive wing flapping. At 2:22 Astrid came to the nest with another Black-billed Cuckoo. It’s a safe bet that Ares procured that one too. She proceeded to serve it to the nestlings. Niles was first in line to be fed. A few minutes into the feeding, Astrid moved the prey to the middle of the box and started feeding Amelia too. She left at 3:33. Ares came to the nest at 3:56. He picked up a scrap of food from the floor and fed it to Niles. At 4:20 the nestlings became very active in the box. Astrid came to the crossperch at 4:46. Ares arrived with prey on the east veranda at the same time. Astrid took the prey, flew out with it, came back, and started a feeding. As usual, Niles was first up to be fed. Amelia waited near the corner and preened. She finally walked up and got a few bites, but then walked away again. She came back for another helping before it was gone. At 6:43 the nestlings were calling from the box. One of the parents was flying around the State Building and, apparently, they were reacting to that. At 6:57 Astrid had left the hotel and was up on the north face of the State Building. Ares was up on the lookout post – most likely in hunting mode. In the nest Amelia was doing a fair amount of wing flapping. At 7:03 PM the nestling started squealing. They were reacting to Astrid taking off after something. At 7:09 Ares brought a Starling to the nest. Astrid grabbed it and started a feeding. This time Amelia was a contender from the beginning. At 7:34 Astrid was back on the north face of the State Building and Ares back on the lookout post. The nestlings were sacked out by 7:44. Niles reclined with his head resting on the lip of the box and looking out into the canyon. Goodnight falcons.

Cooler Weather is Here & No Overnight Feedings

Utica Peregrine Falcons Update for Sunday, June 4th, 202

Niles shows off his feather development

It was cool overnight with a low temperature of 41 degrees. The moon was very bright making good hunting conditions for Ares (probably). The high temperature during the day was close to 70 degrees. It was quite windy all day. Astrid spent part of the night at the nest area. At 3:34 AM Ares came to the box with prey. He then flew off with it right before Astrid arrived. Astrid then flew off too. We thought she might come back with the food, but she did not. At 4:33 Astrid returned to the long perch and that got the nestlings squealing. She left a little while after that. At 5:10 Ares made a quick stop at the box. He hopped inside the nest and got the chicks all excited before hopping out again and flying away. At 5:11 Astrid was on the hotel. She appeared to be in hunting mode. Ares brought food to the nest at 5:14. Astrid came over and grabbed it. She then started a feeding. Nine minutes into the feeding the nestlings acted like they had enough and started walking away. Less than a minute later Astrid flew to the State Building. Ares was on the steeple. At 6:10 Ares was on the northeast corner of the hotel’s upper ledge. Astrid was on the lower east ledge plucking a Pigeon. At 6:25 she brought her prize to the nest. A very lively feeding session followed. Meanwhile, on the hotel, Ares was perusing Astrid’s plucking area for scraps. We are not sure if he found any. For a moment, in the nest, Niles seemed to be trying to feed himself. That’s something we hadn’t seen yet. At 7:10 Astrid was up on the roof of the box, perhaps waiting to see if people were coming into the office. At 7:52 she hopped into the nest box. She was greeted with loud squealing calls from the nestlings. Inexplicably, she spent some time biting at the wooden lip of the nest box. Was she trying to file down her bill? She left the box a minute later. At 7:56 Astrid returned to the nest with food. She then presided over another meal. At first the nestlings did not seem interested. It is true that they were served most of a Pigeon not long before. As it happened, the chicks rallied and began taking what was served to them. At 9:36 Astrid was up on the roof of the nest box again. She had been there for a little while by that point. Ten minutes later another feeding was in progress. For a short time both parents were in the box during the start of the feeding. The meal was over and Astrid was out by 10:00.

At 11:04 AM yet another feeding was underway. At 12:26 PM Astrid was on the east veranda. She was peering at the office window. Ares visited the nest at 12:34. He was up and out again in less than a minute. Astrid remained on the east veranda for a while, but finally left. At 1:48 Niles was doing some vocalizing. At 3:22 Astrid came to the nest with Pigeon leftovers. She proceeded to carry out a feeding. After she left the nestlings did a lot of wing flapping and galivanting around in the nest. They both seemed to take an interest in one of the nest cameras – peering at it closely. Amelia tried to bite it at one point. Ares spent a while on the crossperch in the afternoon. There was no shading taking place today. It was sunny but the temperature was 70 degrees and it remained windy. At 5:09 Astrid came to the east veranda and Ares departed. She did a quick chick check and then she was out as well. At 5:56 Ares came to the nest with more prey. Astrid took it and did a feeding. It lasted about twelve minutes and was quite orderly and polite. At 6:55 Astrid was on the west veranda, launched, executed a sharp turn, and darted off. Was she hazing something? We didn’t hear any alarm calls. She was on the State Building shortly thereafter. At 7:46 Ares brought prey to the nest. Astrid did the feeding. It lasted about ten minutes and then she was out. That was probably it for action and feedings but one never knows. Goodnight all.

Astrid Refuses to Feed Out a Cuckoo & The Super-Hot Spell is Broken – Back to the Regular Hot Spell

Utica Peregrine Falcons Update for Saturday, June 3rd, 2023

Ares on the bank roof

It was warm overnight with a low temperature of 60 degrees. There were patches of fog and the moon was full. The high temperature during the day was in the mid 70s and the skies were partly cloudy. Astrid spent most of the night around the vicinity of the box and often on the long perch. Ares brought prey to the nest at 3:26 AM. Astrid took it and did a feeding. After 4:30, we weren’t sure where the parents were. It turned out Astrid was on a window ledge on north face of  the State Office Building and Ares was on the west face of the same building. The nestlings continue to evolve. They are getting larger by leaps and bounds. Their tail and wing feathers are extending further each day. Amelia is beginning to get the salt and pepper look that comes as dark contour feathers begin to replace their cottony white down. At 5:07 Amelia picked up a scrap of food from the floor and brought it to the back corner of the box where she proceeded to work on it. This was the first time we had seen this behavior this season. By 5:24 Niles was resting his head on the lip of the box. He was watching for a parent to return with food. Moments later Ares arrived on the crossperch with a Black-billed Cuckoo. Astrid barreled in, took it, and then had a moment of indecision regarding what to do with it. She opted to fly away with it. She went over to the hotel and abandoned it on a ledge. Astrid really doesn’t like cuckoos. Of course, Astrid knew that she had to bring something to the nestlings. She set about hunting from the corner of the upper hotel ledge. At 5:33 Astrid launched after something but came back with empty talons. Five minutes later she made another foray out. This time she was successful and came back to the hotel fully laden with a Pigeon. She proceeded to pluck the bird. Meanwhile Ares was guarding the box and the nestlings. At 6:10 Astrid brought her catch to the box and was met with copious amounts of squealing. Niles was the first one in the chow line. Amelia hung back from the feeding but after about five minutes she joined in. By 6:18 both nestlings were eating. Astrid had a few bites herself and then started feeding Amelia again. At 6:23 Astrid left and then Ares came in. He picked up a scrap from the floor and tried to feed it to the nestlings. Initially they did not seem interested but then Niles started to take some and then Amelia joined in. We noticed that Ares was feeding them very small pieces. It’s as if he thought that they just came out of their eggshells. At 6:25 Astrid was on the steeple. She came to the box at 6:51 and that’s about when Ares left the crossperch. She immediately hopped in and gave one of the nestlings some food scraps. At 7:02 Niles was doing some wing flapping in the box. He followed that up with biting at the egg. While he was doing these things his sister cocked her head and looked at him sideways. After that the two did some beaking. At 7:47 Astrid hopped up onto the roof of the nestbox. Perhaps she did not know it was Saturday after all. At 8:13 Ares was on the steeple. At 9:29 one of the parents made a quick visit to the box for a chick check. Increasingly the nestlings get rambunctious every time a parent comes to the box. Astrid came back with food At 9:30. Niles was at the head of the line. Amelia joined in after the feeding had been underway for at least five minutes. Astrid began plucking the prey like crazy. By that point both nestlings had walked away from the meal. At 10:18 Ares brought prey to the east veranda. Astrid took it, flew away, came back, and started a feeding. That time Amelia got a generous share. At 11:46 Astrid seemed to be getting upset. It seemed like she was reacting to activity and offices on the 15th floor but we couldn’t be sure. She gave cackle alarm calls, possibly did some hazing. Regardless she seemed to calm down relatively quickly.

At 12:46 PM Ares brought more prey to the nest. This time he hopped inside. Astrid came off the roof of the box, hopped into the nest, took the prey, and did the feeding. The meal went on for about 6 minutes. It seemed like both chicks stayed interested through the entire mealtime. After that Astrid was up on the roof of the box again. At 1:15 she did a chick check and then left. At 2:11 Ares was heard giving long calls from somewhere in the canyon. Directly after he came to the nest with prey. Astrid grabbed it and served it to the nestlings. At 2:38 Ares came to the box for a quick check. He was in and then out. A few minutes later we heard him giving long calls from his pillar perch. Astrid was on the State Building. At 3:42 Ares was in the nest making shade for the nestlings. Twenty minutes later he was out and Astrid was in. With the temperature peaking in the mid-70’s, the parents weren’t as determined to be umbrellas today. Astrid was soon out on the crossperch. Ares brought more prey to the nest at 4:34. Astrid handled the feeding. The meal only lasted about six minutes and then Astrid was out. Ares came to the nest at 4:54 and one of the chicks got in his face and begged. He had a scrap of food in his bill and he offered it to the squealer. At 5:15 PM Astrid was back on the crossperch. She left at one point only to come back to the long perch a minute later. At 6:40 emergency vehicles were sounding their sirens as they passed through downtown. The nestlings joined the siren chorus with their own whining squeals. Amelia seemed particularly restless after that. She did some flapping, some calling, and lots of walking around. At 7:06 PM Ares brought prey to the nest. Astrid took it and did a feeding. Astrid left at the meal’s conclusion. Both her and Ares were on the State Building. The chicks – especially Amelia, were active on and off.  Goodnight falcons.

Another Super Hot Day in the Canyon! & Lots of Overnight Feedings

Utica Peregrine Falcons Update for Friday, June 2nd, 2023

Overnight feeding

It was quite warm overnight although the temperature got down to 56 degrees at one point. That didn’t last long. We were back in the furnace by mid-morning. The temperature was in the high 80s. Astrid was around the nest area all night long. Ares brought a small prey item to the box at 1:42 PM. Astrid did the feeding. Ares brought another small bird at 2:49. Again she did the feeding. Ares was back at 3:15 with still more prey, again, something small. Astrid did the feeding. At 3:26 he arrived with something more substantial. Again, Astrid fed the chicks. That meal lasted longer than the previous ones. At 4:44 AM Ares screeched to the west veranda with prey. Astrid took it, flew away, came back, and did the feeding. At 4:52 we heard Ares give some long calls from the State Building. He darted off after something but then came right back. Obviously he was hunting. At 5:01, after the last meal was finished, Niles did some wing exercising. At 6:29 Ares came to the box to do a chick check. The nestlings became very excited and danced all around him while vocalizing. We weren’t sure where Astrid was at that point. At 6:50 the parents had been out of view for a while. At 6:59 one of the parents came to the east veranda briefly but then took off. Once again, the nestlings went wild. At 7:04 Astrid was on the hotel. She appeared to be in hunting mode. We were surprised that she wasn’t staking out the box and sitting on the roof of the nest getting ready to be irritated by people in windows. Did she think it was the weekend? At 7:08 Ares brought prey to the nest area. Astrid took it and did the feeding. At 8:35 Ares brought food to the east veranda. Astrid took it and started a feeding. Niles grabbed it away from her at the beginning of the meal, but she pulled it right back. There was another feeding at 9:09. Ares had brought some food to the east veranda at that time. Astrid left the roof to get it from him. At 10:29 Astrid was back up on the roof of the nestbox. We don’t know if she had been up there for a long time or if she had just gotten back. At 11:13 we heard Ares giving long calls from somewhere close by. As it happened, he was on his favorite pillar perch. He left at 12:21 PM.

Ares came to the crossperch for a chick check at 12:30 PM. He then hopped in to be with the nestlings. Niles complained loudly and directly into Ares’ face. Astrid was on the lower steeple at that time. She came to the crossperch at 12:42 and from there moved to the east veranda. She then hopped back to the crossperch only to fly away again. She seemed to be a super busy bird today. By that time the temperature had already gotten up to 87 degrees. At 12:48 Astrid was on the steeple and Ares was on the State Building. At 1:49 Astrid made a quick visit to the nest. One of the kids became excited but she was out again in a flash. A minute later she was back. This time she was in shading mode. She stood in the middle of the box providing shade to mothering in particular while the two nestlings sought relief in the back corner of the box. Astrid was in and out of the nest (mostly in for the next couple of hours). At 4:16 Ares took over and had a turn being the Peregrine umbrella. Although he was off to an auspicious start by concentrating on shading the egg, he ultimately moved to the corner and shaded the nestlings. At 4:27 Ares was out, and Astrid was in. She went back to shading but only for about thirty minutes. After that she was out of the nest. It was 90 degrees by that time. Clouds were coming in and the distant rumbles of thunder were being heard. The nestlings, for the most part, stayed in the back of the box or in the corners. At 5:54 Ares brought prey to the crossperch. Astrid came out of nowhere to take it. She hopped into the nest and started a feeding. At first both nestlings were feeding and then Amelia quit and moved to the back of the box. She joined in again later and just before mealtime was over. At 6:07 Astrid flew over to the State Building. It was lightly raining by that time.  She moved to the west veranda by 6:20 PM. At 7:28 Ares brought prey to the east veranda. Astrid took it and fed the nestlings. When the meal was over Astrid moved out onto the crossperch and Amelia and Niles got some exercise. Both did some wing flapping. By 9:00 they had settled down. Goodnight all.

Hottest Day Yet! & The Nestlings Begin Watching Their Parents Fly Through the Canyon

Utica Peregrine Falcons Update for Thursday, June 1st, 2023

One of several overnight feedings
Astrid, Amelia, and Niles

It was a little cool last night with temperatures in the mid 50s. Once again, the day was hot. By noon the temperature was in the high 80s. By late afternoon it was 93 degrees. Astrid spent most of the night in the nest area, mostly on the long perch. Ares brought a small prey item at 2:45 AM. Astrid took it and did the first feeding of the day. Ares brought another small bird at 3:27. Astrid took it and did another feeding. At 4:40, just to mix things up a little, Ares brought his next offering to the west veranda. Astrid handled the feeding. That meal was over after only five minutes. After that Ares gave a few long calls and blasted off from the veranda. Astrid moved onto the crossperch. At 5:41 Astrid was up. The nestlings were acting very lively, moving around and calling. Niles decided he liked to be right up to the lip of the box looking into the canyon. At 6:07 Ares came to the box to do a chick check. When he left the nestlings squealed. We noticed that the nestlings are beginning to follow the movements of their parents as they flew through the canyon which means their eyesight is developing and becoming keener. At 6:55 Astrid was engaged in feeding the nestlings. Ares was on the east veranda at the time which meant he likely brought the food. Five minutes later when the feeding was done, Astrid went to the crossperch. By 8:00 Astrid was on the roof of the nestbox and Ares was on the east veranda. At 8:52 Astrid had a short freak out over movement in an office adjacent to the nestbox. She seemed to get over it quickly today which was an improvement over her behavior on Wednesday. At 9:49 Astrid came to the crossperch. The nestling squealed in response. Once again, she was back up on the box roof where she could keep an eye on the office. At 11:02 Astrid came to the nest with prey. We are not sure if she got it from Ares, from the pantry, or if it was something she obtained on her own. She then conducted a lengthy feeding session. At the end of it the nestlings had turned away. However, Astrid remained to polish off the leftovers. At 11:44 Niles did quite a bit of wing flapping in the nest. Astrid moved up to the roof of the nestbox to keep a guard on the office.

Astrid in the hot box

Niles looks out into the canyon while Amelia looks at the back wall

At 12:37 PM Ares visited the nest for a chick check. After that both adult Peregrines were on the State Building for a little while. At 1:08 Astrid came to the nestbox. After a moment on the crossperch she hopped inside the box. She was shading although Niles and Amelia were not underneath her, nor was the sun flooding the box yet. At 1:28 Astrid was seen jostling the egg. I don’t think that’s going to help at this point, Astrid. At 1:46 Ares brought prey to the nest. Astrid took it from him and flew over to the hotel. There she plucked it and fed on it briefly. She brought it to the nest a minute later and fed it to the nestlings. After only two minutes Amelia stopped feeding and went over to the corner – ceding the meal to her brother. At 1:50 the meal was over and Astrid left the nest. She was back in the nest providing shade at 2:48. At 3:34 we heard Ares giving long calls from somewhere close by. It turned out he was on the steeple, The nestlings responded to his calls with vocalizations of their own. By 4:00 it was very hot in the nest – 90 degrees or better, Astrid seemed committed to staying with them during the hottest part of the day. She continued providing shade and wrangling them at unpredictable intervals. When she tried to jostle them or shift them, they would squeal protest calls. At 5:47 Astrid left the nest. There was more shade in there now, so she felt OK about not being in there. At 6:02 she was on the lower steeple perch. At 7:11 PM Ares brought food to the crossperch. Astrid barreled in and grabbed it and did a feeding. Niles grabbed it away from Astrid initially but she took it right back. Both nestlings fed aggressively to begin with. Amelia got most of it and Nile went into the corner for a while. He came back before the meal was over and managed to get a few bites. The meal ended at 7:25 and Astrid left. She was on the steeple for a while and then sometimes before 8:30 she came to the west veranda. The nestlings were sacked out like Peregrine snow angels on the floor of the box but became animated again at around 8:30. It was starting to cool down a little by then. Niles spent some time sitting by the lip of the box and starring out into the canyon. Goodnight falcons.