According to the timer, the Utica Peregrines are entering their final week of incubation. Hatching of eggs could begin as early as Wednesday, May 14th. Until then we will expect the same routine of both parents taking shifts sitting on the eggs.

News, video, and more about Utica's Peregrine Falcons
According to the timer, the Utica Peregrines are entering their final week of incubation. Hatching of eggs could begin as early as Wednesday, May 14th. Until then we will expect the same routine of both parents taking shifts sitting on the eggs.
The temperature was into the 70s for the first time in weeks. While Ares was in the box, he switched from incubating to shading the eggs. He eventually moved all the eggs over to the front of the box where there was some shade. That was the first time we’ve seen one of these falcons move the eggs so far.