After an accident on Friday evening, Tres was taken to a wildlife rehabilitator. He was captured just after 8:00 PM after landing in a road and having a vehicle pass over him. Although there were no obvious injuries to the young falcon, his behavior indicated that all was not right and he should be examined by experts. I will post an update once his condition has been ascertained. Meanwhile, as of last night, Indi and Leda were still staying close to the nest box, though not spending much time actually inside of it. Leda has been content to “hop-fly” back and forth between the box’s perch and roof, while Indi prefers just to scoot over onto the window ledge on the east side of the box.
On the morning of June 26th, Tres became the first ever Peregrine Falcon chick known to fledge in Utica and Oneida County. Hopefully he will recover and be able to return soon.