The official Fledge Watch starts tomorrow (Monday) and it looks like it’s beginning not a moment too soon. Comet certainly looks like he’s ready to go at any time. For the last couple of days he’s been checking out the platform on the west side of the box (dubbed his “veranda”). Today he really seemed at ease tromping around on it; he tested his wings there and even had a snooze. Today’s surprise was to see Skye become just as comfortable with the platform on the east side of the box. Several times we had all three nestlings in separate compartments. The adults made food drops sporadically during the day – but always at the nest box. Only once did Astrid stay and do a feeding, and that time it was only Orion that got any attention. The other two youngsters ultimately did eat. In fact I think that Comet ate an entire Cuckoo. A few times Astrid and Ares seemed to be tempting Comet to fledge. They did some enticing flybys and then perched on window ledges beneath the box. Today was not the day though. Perhaps tomorrow? Hope to see some of you Downtown this week. It should be very interesting!