Comet Finally Flies Again & Skye Lives Up to Her Name!

After plenty of coaxing by both parents, Comet, who hadn’t left the east face of the Adirondack Bank Building since Tuesday, finally flew on Saturday morning. His flight was relatively strong and direct. It led him across the canyon and to the west face of the State Office Building where he put down on a high window ledge. It was a great relief to see him flying so well. We were beginning to think that he may have sustained an injury when he “crash landed” against a window screen five days before, but in flight he appeared to be fine. However, once he had his nook on the State Building, he was committed to remain there and didn’t move again for the rest of the day, and that’s despite some tireless coaxing from both parents. Skye, on the other hand, needed no coaxing. She (Or he! – the relatively small size of Skye’s wingspan is now forcing us to reconsider the bird’s gender) made at least ten flights today – all between the State Office Building and the Adirondack Bank. She is starting to become adept at landing on the window ledges of the State Building, which is no mean feat.

The parents surprised us today by returning to the empty nest box more than once and performing their in-box courtship dance. This entailed lots of bowing and calling and culminated with Astrid making a few nest scrapes! Don’t worry though, these two are not going to nest again this season.

Folks, just because the box is usually empty now doesn’t mean that the fledglings are out of danger. They are still in need of flight experience and for at least the next 2 weeks, they will be practicing their skills in the Downtown canyon. We still need fledge Watch volunteers to step up and help us safeguard these birds. If you’re able to assist, please sign up for a time on the Fledge Watch page or contact us directly.

It was hard for Comet to stretch his wings all the way out and exercise them on the narrow window ledges of the bank building
Comet flew to the west face of the State Office Building and settled on a window ledge
Skye made many flights on Saturday
Skye comes down on the roof of the State Office Building
Another interesting rooftop landing for Skye
Astrid flies in and tries to compel Comet to leave his new favorite perch
Ares (below) and Comet look toward each other from adjacent ledges
Skye takes flight again










Skye Fledges, Orion is in Rehab & Comet is Stalled

Lots of stuff happened on Friday. Just after 3:00 PM, Skye fledged! Unlike her siblings she was well prepared. She spent much of the day flying between the nestbox’s perches and the roof of the box – testing her wings and landing gear. Her first flight was reported to be strong. She sailed high over to Grace Church’s steeple, where she attempted a landing on its peak. She aborted that landing and glided over to the State Office Building where she aborted yet another landing. She finally touched down on the roof of the County Building. Later in the day she flew over to the roof of the Adirondack Bank, and after that she settled on the very top of the State Office Building. Meanwhile, Orion, who fell out of the nest on Thursday, was taken to be treated at Kindred Kingdom Wildlife Center in Pennellville. While there she was temporarily placed in a cage right next to one that held the Binghampton Peregrine nestling that was injured on the same day after a fall from its nest. If all goes as planned, Orion should be able to be released back at the nest site in one week. Comet remains on the east side of the Adirondack Bank Building where he’s been since Tuesday. His parents have been visiting him and dropping off food for him, but he shows little inclination to try to fly again. He shows no obvious signs of injuries. He continues to travel around on that narrow ledge and he occasionally flaps his wings, but our worry is that he is not able to get enough exercise there.

Skye , looking quite comfortable on the very top of the State Office Building
Orion 6 19 15
Orion grabs a tight hold on her first meal in captivity


Astrid visits Comet
Ares makes a food drop on Comet’s ledge





Orion’s First Flight

In case you were watching the live feed – Orion miscalculated her return to the box from the west veranda. She eventually glided her way to the parking lot where we rescued her. She is on her way to a local rehabilitator to be checked out. We will update everyone as soon as we have more information. We believe she is fine.

Orion in the bank parking lot shortly before being captured and taken to a Wildlife Rehabilitator


One out of the Nest and Holding

It’s now been three days since Comet fledged and there is little new to report. In fact Comet didn’t fly at all yesterday and seemed quite content to stay put on a high window ledge on the east face of the Adirondack Bank building. Since his “inadvertent” fledgling on Monday, he flew only once and that was on Tuesday. We were pleased to see two food drops to Comet take place Wednesday morning. As far as anyone knew, Comet hadn’t been fed since early Monday morning. Meanwhile in and around the nestbox, Skye, the second chick to hatch, was actively pumping her wings and trotting around the east and west verandas – and even traveling beyond them along the narrow ledge that runs beneath the windows. Orion has been happy enough to flap her wings inside the box and remain in the place where most meals are served. She had a few scuffles with her sister on Wednesday, but by that evening they were sleeping on top of each other as is often their habit. Though no new fledge took place today, the Fledge Watch volunteers were treated to some nice aerial acrobatics by Astrid and Ares. The most impressive was a barrel role executed by Astrid. She did this in order to slow her decent to the ledge where Comet was perched. Also, an unusual amount of low level pigeon chasing took place today. Primarily Astrid was seen in hot pursuit of low flying pigeons within the air space of the Downtown “canyon”. Though most of these witnessed chases were unsuccessful, at least one was successful and she was seen flying back her prize.

What happens next with the Utica Peregrines? Will Comet begin flying again before Skye fledges? Only time will tell. If you’re able to get Downtown, come find out for yourself.

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As of this morning, Comet remains on a small ledge on the east side of the Adirondack Bank building – photo by D Cesari
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Skye earnestly flaps her wings while tightly gripping the nestbox perch – photo by D Cesari
Comet finally gets some food dropped off to him
Flying lessons for the youngsters


Applying the air brakes





Comet Fledges!!!

Just after 3:00 PM yesterday, June 15th, Comet, the first Peregrine chick of the season to hatch, became the first one to fledge. Earlier in the afternoon Comet had been spending time out on the nestbox perch flapping his wings and strengthening his wing muscles, but we believe that leaving the perch was not exactly what he intended to do. Apparently, Astrid landing  right beside him on the perch, was what forced him off the ledge. Fortunately his wings were ready and he managed to navigate around the Adirondack Bank Building. He came down on a tiny 15th story ledge on the back of the bank building. The Fledge Watch volunteers took a while to locate him and were (obviously) relieved to find him unscathed. He wasn’t a happy camper though, and at one point he tried to scamper up the bricks alongside a window frame. He ended up right back were he started  – back on that same narrow ledge. Both parents seemed to know where he was and flew by him several times; possibly they were trying to coax him off the ledge and to somewhere they could see him (and drop off food to him) more easily, but he wasn’t having it. There he seemed content to stay for the night.

Astrid comes in for a landing on the nestbox perch – Comet is on the extreme left-hand side


After fledging from the nestbox, Comet comes down on a small ledge on the back of the bank building


At one point Comet tries climbing up the bricks


After an hour or so, Comet settles down and begins to preen