Ares Gets the First Woodcocks of the Season & The Falcons Pull Another All-Nighter!!

Update for Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Ares caught two Woodcocks overnight, which is always a sure indication that the Woodcocks have begun returning from the south. Astrid took the first one from him at about 10:30 Monday evening. She didn’t want the second one that he tried to give her at about 3:30 AM. Once again, these guys are staying up all night long! Also, during the day they are almost constantly guarding the nestbox. There were no dances today, but lots of mating and at least three food giftings from Ares.

A & A guarding the nest almost constantly

Ares on his pillar perch

Ares checking out the camera

Astrid on “Deb’s Perch” located west of the nestbox

Astrid Pulls and All-Nighter at the Nest

Update for Monday, March 4, 2024

Probably due to the presence of intruder(s) in the canyon, Astrid spent all of last evening and into the early morning hours guarding the nestbox. Ares showed up at about 5:00 AM. Otherwise it was another active day in the canyon, with lots of breeding behavior. Ares provided three food gifts to Astrid, they shared one ledge display at the box, and several matings were observed.

Astrid noticing the camera
Astrid joins Ares for an afternoon dance
Guarding the nest

Late Day Intruder!!

Astrid & Ares were once again very active in the canyon on Sunday. The temperature range was from 37 to 43 degrees. There was also a thick morning flog. There were several matings, one or probably two food giftings, and 1.5 dances. Most notably, there was a late day intruder. We noticed that something was going on when both falcons were distracted during their dance and ended up going onto the crossperch and looking up. We didn’t see what they were bothered by, but it was most likely another falcon.

One of 1.5 ledge displays that took place today
Astrid on the steeple
Astrid has her food gift on the upper hotel roof
Astrid up on the lookout post

Lots of Pre-dawn Action this Morning – Despite the Rain and Dismal Weather, the Action Kept Going Throughout the Day

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Today the Astrid and Ares mated at least nine times! There were two food exchanges and one dance. They guarded the nest almost constantly from 1:30 AM to dusk.

Ares & Astrid share a ledge display (dance)
Ares guarding the box in the pre-dawn
Astrid, just about to make a scrape
One of 9 matings that occurred today
Ares on his favorite pillar perch