Day four of Fledge Watch came and went with no fledging taking place. Grace and Cade were content to stay in the box today and have their food brought to them as usual. It was very windy out so it was just as well they didn’t try to leave. This video clip from this afternoon shows the two chicks reacting to seeing their parents (mostly Astrid) freak out and swoop by the the box.
More Food Snatching – the Nestlings Become More Independent
This is a feeding (well, kind of) that took place this morning. Once the food makes it into the box, Grace grabs it and brings it to the corner. Luckily she eventually shared with Cade. Grace has been climbing up on the lip of the box lately. We expect that one of these two birds will fledge within the next few days.
Falcons take cover during hail storm!
The storm brought Astrid to the box and then into the box with Grace and Cade. Astrid took cover from the hail and Grace actually covered her mother and protected her from the storm!!
All 4 falcons weathered the storm without incident.
Food Snatching by the Chicks
This was a feeding that took place this morning. The chicks hadn’t been fed yet so they were very keen when Ares arrived. Astrid immediately takes the prey from him and then Grace snatches it away from Astrid. She takes it to the corner and starts feasting on it herself. Finally, Cade squeezes in to get some bites.