Grace Fledges Yesterday!! Both Fledglings Are Doing Well


Cade and Grace are both flying in the canyon now. Grace made her second fight earlier this morning and landed on the roof of the ADK Building. Cade joined her a little while later. They will still need monitoring at least until their flying improves, but they are off to an excellent start. Watchers are still needed. The best is yet to come as they begin to fly together and hone their skills


Astrid flies in low to check on Grace


Astrid dives away from Cade’s perch
Ares flies through to check on the fledglings
Grace reacts to seeing her parents
Grace exercises her wings
Cade makes some great flights around the canyon
Cade tries to land on the roof of the State Building
Grace stretches her wings


Cade Becomes the First Peregrine Chick to Fledge for the 2016 Season

Cade Fledged from the nest box at around noon today. After landing on the steeple of Grace Church, he flew again to the north side of the Adirondack Bank Building. Astrid monitored his flights and Ares flew by his new position on a narrow window ledge. As of now he still remains there. Fledge Watch volunteers are on the ground and monitoring the situation. Grace has yet to fledge, but may do so at any time. All are welcome to come and join the continuing watch efforts.DSC_2134






Grace and Cade strengthen their wings!!

This is a view from 3 of our cameras simultaneously. Grace was quite rambunctious this morning as you will see by her amazing wing flapping.

Ares then tried to tempt the young to take flight by picking a piece of food from the box and flying off with it.

That gets Cade excited enough to get into the wing flapping as well.

Cade Comes Close to Fledging but not Quite – Probably Tomorrow

Here’s some pictures from today’s fledge watch. Neither Cade or Grace left the nest ledge today, but they came very close! Sunday is the day we believe the first nestling will leave. That means we do need more hands on deck, so if you’re available to join the watch, please do come on down. We need your help!








Grace and Cade Explore the East Veranda – First Flight Expected Soon

This afternoon, first Grace and then Cade left the nest box for the first time and explored the east veranda. They spent time flapping their wings and poking around and they even took a nap. Both returned to the nest box before night fall. One or perhaps both of them may attempt to fly tomorrow