An Active Day for Our Falcons

Astrid arrived at the nest box before 5:00 this morning. Ares showed up with her breakfast about 90 minutes later. It was a fresh Woodcock. She declined it – at least initially. Later on the pair was seen mating on the steeple. They performed one ledge display at the box today. This time they did more moving around than in their more recent dances. Astrid found a new place to perch on the steeple today – it was on one of the highest and narrowest ledges. Not to be outdone, Ares perched on the roof of the State Building for a while.  Late in the day, Ares brought Astrid another meal and handed it off to her at the nestbox. All in all it was a good day.

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The early morning food transfer didn’t happen – Astrid seemed more keen to mate
A ledge display at the nest box in the late morning
Mating on the steeple
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A late day food delivery
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Astrid feeding on the steeple

Foggy and Slow Start to the Day, but Things Got Lively

In the early morning the fog was so thick in the downtown canyon that we couldn’t even see the State Building let alone see if Astrid was perched on it. Ares came to the box at about 5:00 AM, but Astrid remained scarce for the first half of the morning. Later on their activity levels ramped up quite a bit. So much so that it was hard to get handle on where the pair was. By the time we pointed the camera at them, they’d be gone. There were at least two food exchanges today. Astrid showed a particularly full crop by late afternoon. Ares tried to give her the second tribute (which was really just a scrap) at the box, but she wouldn’t take. He followed her over to a perch on the steeple and there the pair performed a ledge display – while Ares still had food in his talons!

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A thick fog put a damper on falcon activity in the early morning – Well, kind of.  Ares showed up at the box on time
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Astrid was very fond of perching on the steeple today
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A ledge display on the church steeple is a very rare thing
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Ares actually had a scrap of food in his talons during this steeple dance

A Sunny Day for a Change in the Canyon


The Utica Peregrines were fairly active today. The sunny skies and mild winds allowed for great flying. Ares came back in the morning with a food tribute for Astrid. After a few tries he successfully handed it off to her on the nest box perch. The pair shared a ledge display at 12:15 PM and again at 3:00 PM. There were at least two matings during the morning. The pair’s afternoon activities were not as well monitored, but apparently Ares made multiple visits to the box. Astrid sailed around the canyon a few times in the early evening. Ares manned the box as the sun set.

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Ares tries to interest Astrid in a food tribute
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Ares brings the food closer
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Astrid inches closer
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Astrid finally takes the gift
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The ledge display from the noon hour
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Ares on the steeple

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The Falcons Were Very Attentive to the Nest Box Today

The falcons were pretty active today. They kept a near constant presence at the nestbox through the early afternoon. After that, Ares made sporadic visits while Astrid was less apparent. Ares gave Astrid food tributes at least twice and the pair mated a few times, including one time at the box around mid-morning. One long ledge display took place at the box during the noon hour. Ares was again more intense about attending the box in the late afternoon and into the early evening.

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The pair shared a long ledge display at the nestbox during the noon hour
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Astrid sits on the perch, possibly asking to mate
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Ares guards the nestbox

The Day in the Canyon Started Out Slow

The day in the canyon started out slow and then got more interesting as it progressed. There were no pre-dawn visits to the nest box and there was little evidence of Astrid until mid-morning. At that time Ares had been giving frequent long calls to her from the box, but she didn’t seem in any hurry to respond or come hither. And then the action finally started with a very long ledge display that featured lots of beaking, but not much fancy footwork (typical behavior these days). There were at least three successful matings today – all at the State Building. Ares showed up with food tributes three times. Astrid accepted at least one of them. At one point Ares was on the steeple with a woodcock dangling from his talons, but no one was seen eating it later on. On the very snowy lower ledge of the Hotel, Astrid was seen eating what looked like a pigeon. A fantastic flight display was put on by Ares for his mate. Astrid was perched on the roof of the State Building and by all accounts was an appreciative audience.

Astrid looks quizzically at the camera


Astrid does some housekeeping around the nestbox


Another long dance with plenty of beaking
Areas makes a short stop on the steeple with a Woodcock dangling from his talons


Astrid feeds on what looks like a pigeon on the hotel’s snowy ledge


Ares looks out at the canyon from the nestbox perch