Astrid Produced the First Egg of the 2024 Breeding Season & An Intruder in the Afternoon & Our PTZ Two Camera Stopped Working

Update for Saturday, March 23, 2024

Astrid laid the first egg of the season at 9:25 AM

Ares gets his first chance to be with the egg

We had a rather potent winter storm today. However, it didn’t seem to hamper the falcons’ breeding behavior very much. Astrid laid the first egg of the season at 9:25 AM – the very first day of her traditional egg-laying window! After a couple of contractions and one large push, she produced the egg. Ares got to see it about ten minutes later. The falcons took turns in the nest for most of the day. In the early afternoon, Ares was dealing with an intruder. At one point he came back to the nest and let Astrid handle the situation. Later, Ares brought Astrid a food gift. She took it over to the hotel and had it for lunch. He brought her a second gift a few hours later.

Ares visits Astrid in the nest at 1:40 AM during a snow squall

Astrid takes prey from Ares on the east veranda

Ares doing his best penguin impersonation

A Surprisingly Active Day Considering the Weather & One Day Until the Start of the Official Egg-laying Window

Update for Friday, March 22, 2024

Astrid looks at the camera

It was another very cold day in the Canyon with some snow flurries. However, the snow did not hamper the Peregrines very much. We observed about 5 or 6 matings, two food exchanges, and three or four ledge displays. Quite a few times today Astrid & Ares switched at the box as if they were engaged in incubating eggs. Speaking of which, we are now only one day out from the start of the egg-laying window.

Astrid on the east veranda
Astrid on the steeple
mating on the west veranda

Astrid Continues with Sittings & Practice Incubation Switches

Update for Thursday, March 21, 2024

Astrid sits in the nestbox for most of the night

Astrid spent most of the night in the nestbox. She did a few long sittings in the box during the course of the day – despite the cold and blustery weather. Interestingly, they did practice incubation switches at least a half dozen times. They are obviously anticipating the arrival of a clutch of eggs. Of course, exactly when that will start happening, we can’t say, but we are now two days outside of the egg-laying window.

A practice incubation switch (eggless)
Astrid doing another sitting in the late morning
A ledge display in the nestbox

More Wintery Weather & Astrid Does More Long Sitting Sessions

Update for Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Astrid doing a sitting in the nestbox

Persistent wintery weather continues to suppress the falcons’ breeding activities. However, Astrid did three sittings in the box today, which could mean that the laying of egg # 1 is not that far off. Having said that, we are still 3 days outside of Astrid’s traditional egg laying window.

Astrid on the steeple
Astrid requests a mating

More Winter Weather Suppresses Action – Until Late Morning & Astrid Does Her First Sitting

Update for Tuesday, March 19, 2024


Another wintery day in the Canyon. Astrid did a sitting in the nest in the early morning which is a behavior she does before laying an egg. She might do sitting sessions like this one for over a week before she actually bears down and lays an egg. Astrid & Ares were mostly quiet in the morning then became livelier in late morning and again later in the afternoon. They performed three dances in the box today; there were several observed matings, and at least two food giftings. The first gift was a bat – the first of the season. Astrid does not always take bats. Along with woodcocks and cuckoos, they are one of her least favorite prey items. However, she took this one and ate it on the hotel.

Ares brings Astrid a bat
Astrid on the steeple