Falcon Update — March 27, 2025
Off Again, On Again Serena

We remain uncertain about Serena’s commitment to the Utica nest site—and to Ares as a mate. After what appeared to be a strong recommitment on Monday, she pulled back noticeably on Tuesday and was a complete no-show on Wednesday.

Despite a day marked by sleet, snow, cold rain, and biting winds, Ares made a valiant effort to draw her in. He showed up at the box with food gifts, waited patiently at the nest, and kept vigil from his lookout perch on the roof of the State Building. He dashed around the canyon in high-speed flights—likely trying to pique her interest—but Serena never appeared. Is she bouncing between territories? Is there another male vying for her attention in some adjacent territory? Or maybe she’s simply not fond of the bad weather. We’ll be watching closely to see if a shift in the forecast brings a shift in her behavior—milder conditions are expected on Thursday.