Astrid was much more sedentary today even though she largely shunned the nest box. We recognize this behavior from previous seasons and we believe she is getting closer to laying her first egg. On the other hand, Ares visited the box dozens of times today and at the same time he managed to keep close track of his mate. Today he gave her at least two food tributes – one was a starling and the other a bat. (Where the bat came from on this chilly March day is anyone’s guess). Astrid ended up having a big dinner on the ledge of the hotel. She was feeding on a Woodcock – possibly the one that had been caught and stored yesterday. Although we didn’t manage to get a video of the event apparently Ares did some beak to beak interacting with his reflection in one of the nest cameras. He’s done that before, but not in a while. The pair mated at least 7 times today – about half of those took place at the nest box. We expect to make an announcement within the next couple of days regarding the first Peregrine egg laid this season, so stay tuned!