Update for Monday, May 13, 2024
The chicks were feeding on a good pasture again today, with Astrid conducting the feedings and Ares providing the prey. Three meals were delivered during the night, and many more throughout the day. Later in the morning, Astrid became irritated by people near the windows of offices adjacent to the nestbox—at least, that’s what seemed to be bothering her. She didn’t go into full defensive mode with prolonged cackle calls, but she did give s single cackle and then spent some time on the roof of the nestbox, glaring at an office window.
In the afternoon, Astrid grew frustrated with the nestlings. They were seeking shade at the back of the box but had separated—two in one corner and one in the middle against the wall. Astrid spent about ten minutes trying to corral them back together into one squirming baby pile. Despite their resistance and complaining chatters and squeals, she jostled them along and used her wings to scoop and move them. Eventually, she succeeded in getting all three where she wanted them.