Skye Fledges, Orion is in Rehab & Comet is Stalled

Lots of stuff happened on Friday. Just after 3:00 PM, Skye fledged! Unlike her siblings she was well prepared. She spent much of the day flying between the nestbox’s perches and the roof of the box – testing her wings and landing gear. Her first flight was reported to be strong. She sailed high over to Grace Church’s steeple, where she attempted a landing on its peak. She aborted that landing and glided over to the State Office Building where she aborted yet another landing. She finally touched down on the roof of the County Building. Later in the day she flew over to the roof of the Adirondack Bank, and after that she settled on the very top of the State Office Building. Meanwhile, Orion, who fell out of the nest on Thursday, was taken to be treated at Kindred Kingdom Wildlife Center in Pennellville. While there she was temporarily placed in a cage right next to one that held the Binghampton Peregrine nestling that was injured on the same day after a fall from its nest. If all goes as planned, Orion should be able to be released back at the nest site in one week. Comet remains on the east side of the Adirondack Bank Building where he’s been since Tuesday. His parents have been visiting him and dropping off food for him, but he shows little inclination to try to fly again. He shows no obvious signs of injuries. He continues to travel around on that narrow ledge and he occasionally flaps his wings, but our worry is that he is not able to get enough exercise there.

Skye , looking quite comfortable on the very top of the State Office Building
Orion 6 19 15
Orion grabs a tight hold on her first meal in captivity


Astrid visits Comet
Ares makes a food drop on Comet’s ledge





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