Monday, April 19, 2021 – Quiet and Peaceful in the Downtown Canyon

It was cool overnight and not all that warmer a few hours after daybreak. Astrid spent the entire night on the eggs as is expected. Ares was visible on the west face of the State Building at 5:30 AM. At 5:57, he came to the box and the pair switched. It was quiet and quick. Astrid then flew around the State Building checking Ares’ pantry ledges. The next switch took place at 7:12, and then Astrid was back on the eggs. Ares went back to the west face of the State Building for a little while. At 9:30, Ares was back to the nest and the pair executed yet another quick changeover. Astrid did a few leisurely laps around the State Building. Was she looking for food in the pantry, or was she just flying around the territory? He called as she came and went from his view. At 10:10 she landed on her steeple perch. The next switch happened two minutes later.

At 10:15 AM, Ares was over on the hotel feeding on something. He flew through the canyon only five minutes later and landed on the steeple. She called as she watched him come in. He moved to the State Building after that. At 12:11 PM, Ares came to the box to ask for a turn on the eggs. It was a nonstarter; Astrid didn’t want to leave. Ares went back to the steeple. At 1:00, he was on the hotel and it appeared as he had just finished a meal, but we couldn’t be sure. The next changeover took place sometime before 2:00. After leaving Astrid assumed a couple of different perches on the State Building; her every move was narrated by Ares with light chirps. At 3:19, she came to the box and asked to take over on incubation. Ares didn’t want to go, and she let him stay. She was on the steeple less than five minutes later. By then, rain was starting to fall downtown. At 4:51, Astrid was at the nest again and this time Ares was OK with leaving. The switch was relatively quick. At 6:12, we heard Ares giving long calls from somewhere. He showed up on the steeple not long after. As for Astrid, she was in place on the nest for the night. Goodnight falcons and all.

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