Thursday, April 15, 2021 – Rain Returns & The Midpoint of Incubation is Reached

The overnight was cool and rainy with temperatures in the 50’s. After sunrise there were a few lingering light showers and the temperature rose to about 60 degrees. Rain accompanied by wind returned by midday. It was all downhill after that. Temperatures fell back into the forties and the rain continued. Astrid was on the nest all night without interruption. Ares arrived at 6:02 AM, and they did their first quick switch of the day. The pair had some lively conversation as she was getting up off the eggs. She flew right over to a midlevel perch on the State Building. At 6:13, she was up and circling the building – likely checking Ares’ pantry for breakfast possibilities. Ares chirped lightly at the nest as he watched her movements. At 7:20, Astrid came back to the nest and the pair did their second changeover of the morning. A&A switched again at 8:52, and then he was back on the eggs. Shortly afterwards, Astrid returned to the State Building. At 9:43, she was back on the crossperch and asking to take over. She came into the box and the pair had another conversation and did some beaking. She gave her famous chuckle call, which normally means she’s impatient to begin her sit and she’s about to oust him. However, this time she was magnanimous and let him stay. She came back to the box at 10:37 and was primed for a quick changeover. He complied with no complaints. A little later we noticed that he was perched in a relatively low place on the north face of the State Building – close to where she was perched earlier. What was it about that spot today?

By 11:30 AM, it was becoming rainy and somewhat windy in the downtown canyon. Astrid called out from the box, but we couldn’t pick out Ares anywhere. At 11:48, he showed up on a high perch on the State Building. Astrid gave some squeaking calls to acknowledge his return. Ares came to the nest at 12:35, and the pair executed a quick switch. She flew over and landed on the State Building. At 1:05, she darted to the crossperch. As it happened she had seen a person in an office nearby the nest site and so she was obligated to check it out. She returned to the State Building after she was satisfied that her eggs were in no jeopardy. The next changing of the guard took place at 3:02. Astrid took over on the eggs and Ares flew off into the canyon. Ares was tucked in on a skinny ledge on the State Building. He remained there until about 6:20. There were no more changeovers for the day. It was clear that Astrid was coming in for a marathon sitting. We suspect she will be very eager for Ares to relieve her tomorrow morning. We shall see. Goodnight falcons and all.

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