Two Firsts for One Day!

Today was an especially active day for the falcon residents of Downtown Utica. The box was occupied for nearly the entire day with usually just one of the pair standing vigil. Ares spent much of the morning apparently dozing off and on. At least 3 bird meals were brought back to the nest, including a First-of-the-Season (FOS) Killdeer. That plover obviously received a poor welcome back following its migration from the south. It seemed like it was Ares’ idea to pass the plover off to his mate, but he he couldn’t quite get himself to do it – well not at the box anyhow. The day’s unprecedented action wasn’t over yet, when the pair was actually caught on tape mating on one of the perches! It was a quick affair, folks, as generally is the rule for birds. What was particularly fascinating were the calls made by Ares during the act. Watch the video clip below and if you don’t want to wait, advance 3 minutes into it and watch and listen.

3 thoughts on “Two Firsts for One Day!”

  1. You guys have been busy, I think it is going and looking vey well. You must spend loads of time editing video! How about our next endeavor to be motion detection for recording…sounds like an obvious next step.

    1. Hi Steve,
      We are still having problems with people not getting audio. I really want to get that nailed down. I am testing an overnight recording of Cam 3 to see how much space that takes up. Talk to you more Monday. I also want to set up remote access to the falcon computer….gosh I am needy aren’t I???

      1. People will need to use Microsoft Internet Explorer, change to H.264 stream (upper left corner), allow the installation of the Axis camera plug-in and a second ACC (H.264) plug-in for the audio to function. They will also need to turn off any POP-UP blockers, IE 9 emulation mode is preferred and possibly make the site “trusted”. We know this works but because of the different IE versions and the many variations of software installed on a person’s computer, the instructions may differ slightly.
        Edited video has been posted on the site, this is always a viable alternative.

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