A mild and breezy day with temperatures nearing 60°F saw a whirlwind of activity at the nest site. Ares and Serena were highly engaged, reinforcing their bond through frequent ledge displays, vocal exchanges, food gifts, and multiple matings. The day started early with Ares arriving at the nest box several times between 1:30 and 4:30 AM, ultimately bringing a Woodcock as a gift to Serena. She joined him on the west veranda, engaging in lively back-and-forth calls, but showing no interest in taking the Woodcock – she may like them even less than Astrid did, which hardly seems possible. They mated at 4:41 AM, followed by further lively interactions at the perches and verandas. Throughout the morning, Ares delivered more non-Woodcock prey (some of it was gratefully accepted), and the pair performed their characteristic courtship “dances” at the nest.

Later in the morning the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade passed below as the falcons continued their activities. Ares seemed to observe a fair portion of the festivities from the crossperch at the nest – his box seat. Meanwhile, a report from Deb confirmed the resident Peregrines in Little Falls – both were also busy with mating displays in their domain. An intense moment unfolded in Utica when an apparent intruder stirred chaos—pigeons scattered, and Serena’s sharp chirps filled the air. Both she and Ares took off south, likely chasing the interloper, before returning to the box for a post-conflict ledge display, a behavior often observed with the Utica Peregrines after driving off an unwelcome visitor. Evening saw them continue their interactions, with Ares making a scrape inside the box and Serena displaying a full crop, evidence of a successful hunt and late meal. As dusk settled, one falcon perched on the west face of the State Building while the other remained out of sight, likely tucked away for the night.

Is there a way to watch the LF falcons? Any links to the live feed there?
Unfortunately there is no camera on the Little Falls nest. We have no way of knowing what happens on their nest ledge. Deb went down there yesterday to see if she could see any action from street level. She didn’t see either adult at the bank building, but did see them near in the vicinity of the radio towers