Courtship between Ares and Nova had been progressing at a sluggish pace, but everything changed on Tuesday with the arrival of a new female. Breeding season activities have suddenly kicked into high gear. While we never observed a successful mating between Ares and Nova—only a few unsuccessful attempts—the new pair wasted no time. In just one day, they performed four ledge displays, and Ares provided food for her at least two or three times. We’re calling the newcomer “Serena”, and she already seems to be making herself at home. She even spent an extended period sitting in the nest, as if testing it out. Ares, who had appeared frustrated with Nova’s slow progress, seems far more satisfied with Serena’s enthusiasm and drive. If she sticks around, she may just have the makings of a new queen of the downtown canyon. As for Nova, her fate remains a mystery. Was she chased off? Injured? Or did she simply decide to move on? Only time will tell if she makes a return.