Update for Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Ares reminded us that Woodcock season is still going on. He brought one to the east veranda at 4:44 AM. Of course, Astrid did not want it, so he flew away and stored it somewhere – probably on one of his pantry ledges on the State Building. This incident underscores the persistent presence of Woodcocks on their breeding grounds along the Mohawk River floodplain, where Ares likely hunts them. During their courtship displays, male Woodcocks leisurely circle above the breeding grounds, emitting a distinctive twittering sound, rendering themselves particularly vulnerable to Peregrine attacks. Ares’ preferred hunting technique for Woodcocks remains a mystery—whether he descends upon them with a swift dive (a stoop) or intercepts them in lateral flight. Typically, Woodcocks commence their displays at dusk, extending into the night, before resuming in the predawn hours. It is clear that Ares is proficient at hunting them in the dark.