Update for Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Today in the Canyon, the weather defied expectations, presenting an uncharacteristically warm day with temperatures hovering in the low 70s. As the sun flooded into the nestbox during the mid to late afternoon, the falcons were compelled to shield the eggs from its intense rays. It marked the first instance this season where shading measures were necessary. Astrid, typically averse to handling the hottest part of the day, took on the task reluctantly. Her discomfort was palpable, evident in her incessant panting and restless demeanor, as if yearning for a reprieve in a cool puddle somewhere. In the early evening, Ares abandoned the nest to pursue an intruder, likely prompted by Astrid who initially encountered the stranger. As Astrid assumed the duty of brooding the eggs. Ares pursued the intruder towards the eastern part of the Canyon and they soon disappeared from view of the PTZ camera. The specifics of the encounter remain unknown, however, Ares screeched back to the box roughly ten minutes later, which we took as an indication of his successful expulsion of the stranger.