The overnight was cool with temperatures in the low fifties. After daybreak the skies were mostly cloudy and the high for the morning was 70 degrees. In the afternoon the highs were in the mid-70’s. Astrid was near the nest for part of the night. Ares arrived at the box at 2:14 AM with a small prey item. Astrid took it from him on the crossperch but promptly lost to one of the nestlings. Kara fed on it in the back of the box while Percy perched on the box lip. He then went back inside and waited for his sister to let him have a turn feeding. At 3:23 Ares was back with a cuckoo. Once again, Astrid took it but immediately lost it to one of the squealing nestlings. At 5:06 the chicks became more animated. It was time to get up. At that point Astrid was on the steeple and Ares was on the State Building. At 5:18 Percy hopped over to the east veranda – he obviously wasn’t wasting any time this morning. Right away he began flapping his wings. Meanwhile his sister was laying down in the box. At 5:20 Astrid came to the nest. She picked up the cuckoo from the floor like she was going to remove it, but then Kara grabbed it away from her. Astrid left and Kara fed on the cuckoo for a little while. After a few bites she left it in favor of wing exercising. At 5:25 Percy was eyeing the window ledge to the east of the veranda. At the same time Kara was looking over at the east veranda and looking like she wanted to go there. At 5:36 Astrid landed on an east ledge. She does this specifically to encourage nestlings to try to reach her. She challenges them to do things that prepare them for fledging. Percy then made a perfect hop flight from the corner of the veranda to the crossperch. Two minutes later he had moved back to the east veranda. At 5:53 Astrid came to the nestbox. She appeared to be feeding Kara the cuckoo leftovers. At 6:01 she decided that kara had enough and flew out with the leftovers. At 6:04 Kara successfully made it over to the east veranda and joined her brother. There were no nestlings in the nestbox for the first time since the two eggs hatched back in early May. On the veranda the two young falcons beaked and then Percy started acting up. He stormed around flapping his wings. At 6:44 Percy went to the nestbox and then, a minute later, to the west veranda. At 6:48 Kara was flapping her wings and putting up a cloud of her own white down feathers. Soon Percy was flapping his wings too while out on the west veranda perch. At 7:20 Astrid came to the box and started the two nestlings squealing. At 7:40 Percy went over to the east veranda. A minute later Astrid was there feeding them something. It must have only been a scrap because she was gone a minute later. At 7:55 Percy was back to the nest, but by 8:04 he was with his sister again on the east veranda. Astrid then landed back on an east window ledge. Percy took the challenge this time and hopped from the corner of the veranda to an east ledge. Ares then landed on his pillar perch and got both chicks excited. At 8:29 kara was flapping her wings again and losing more down.

At 8:32 AM Ares arrived at the nest with food. Astrid came over and took it. She then gave it to Kara on the veranda. At 8:47 Percy was flapping his wings on the east ledge. Five minutes later he was back with Kara on the east veranda. At 9:14 Astrid returned to the east ledge. Ares landed on the west veranda a minute later. That served to coax Percy over to the west veranda. Once there Ares took off and Percy did some wing flapping on the veranda perch. At 9:21 he moved to the base of the long perch and did more wing exercising. At 9:39 Kara had been sacked out for a while on the east veranda while her brother stayed active. Astrid checked on her at 9:50 and then flew off towards the hotel. At 10:18 Ares came to the box, picked up a food scrap, and gave it to Kara on the veranda. At 11:49 Percy was back to the east veranda. Within a few minutes he was doing some manic wing flapping on the crossperch. At 12:10 PM Percy joined his sister once again on the east veranda. Astrid came in for a chick check at 12:22. At this time Ares was on his pillar perch above and east of the nest area. At 12:37 Percy was on the crossperch again and flapping his wings. At 12:57 he was on the east veranda. At that point he hopped over to the east ledge where he was invisible to our cameras. Occasionally we would hear his begging calls but couldn’t see a feather of his plumage for well over an hour. At 1:24 Ares came to the box with a small prey item. He brought it to the east veranda and managed to feed it to her. She was excited but well behaved during the mini meal. We thought that a feeding might bring Percy over, but it didn’t. Seeing Kara next to Ares with the PTZ camera instead of our distorted (fisheye) box cams was revelatory. She was indeed a large falcon, possibly in Astrid’s size range. While still feeding Kara, Ares gave a few high-pitched warning chirps and he looked up. We thought that possibly an intruder was in the canyon, but it was Astrid. She had just flown through and landed on the top of the nestbox. At 1:46 Astrid came to the nest. In order to entice Kara to do something, she hopped over to the crossperch and then to the long perch. From there she danced over to the east veranda and then back and forth twice. She was trying to show Kara how to navigate the perches and verandas. As it happened, Kara was satisfied staying on the east veranda for the time being. Unlike her brother, she seemed to be in no great hurry to take her next step towards free flying.

At 2:24 PM Kara was back in the nestbox and Percy’ location had been freshly confirmed. We hadn’t seen him since he traveled to a ledge east of the east veranda. Suddenly we saw one wing protrude from that ledge. We then saw his tail. He was still there. He had just been tucked in. At 2:50 Astrid landed on the long perch. Percy began calling and flapping his wings excitedly. He moved back onto the east veranda with little trouble. From there he hopped onto the crossperch at the box. At 2:59 Ares came to the nest with a Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Kara dragged it to the corner of the box. Astrid arrived but it was too late to recover the prey. After about a minute, Kara abandoned her prize and got up on the lip of the box. At 3:27 Percy was in the nest feeding on the cuckoo, but not for long. He soon went out onto the crossperch again. At 3:34 Kara went onto the west veranda for the first time. Ten minutes later Percy went over to visit her. They were both back in the box at 4:06. At 4:23 we heard Ares calling from somewhere in the canyon. Kara squealed back to him. At 5:15 we noticed that Astrid was on a high windowsill on the State Building. That was her way of showing the nestlings a safe place to land when fledging. At 5:18 Astrid and Ares flew towards the hotel – probably on a hunt. A minutes later Ares was on the steeple and Astrid was circling the State Building – possibly checking Ares’ pantry for a non-cuckoo meal. Ares gave a cackle-type warning call. We weren’t sure of the reason. At 5:25 a Bald Eagle was in the air to the southeast of the State Building. Its heading was east. Astrid was in the air at the time but wasn’t upset by the eagle (well out of range). She circled high and came down in a near stoop, pulling up short of the bank building and then swooping up to the steeple to displace Ares from his perch. She was telling him to go out and get some food! At 5:47 Astrid landed on an east ledge. That activated Percy who began calling and flapping his wings. Astrid then flew over to the State Building and put down on a windowsill. Again, she was showing Percy how to fledge. Percy then did a hop flight to the crossperch of the box. At 5:56 Percy went back into the nestbox, barged over and nipped his sleeping sister. He was squealing the whole time. She stirred, put her head up, but didn’t get up. Percy then spent a few minutes feeding on the cuckoo scraps on the floor at the front of the box. At 6:00 Astrid landed on the crossperch. She made an attempt to collect the cuckoo remains in the box, but Kara chased her out before she could grab it. Astrid flew in a wide circle and returned to the long perch. She was up again after a minute. At 6:18 Ares was seen flying towards the north on a hunting run. At 6:24 Percy made a hop flight back to the east veranda. His skill level was increasing perceptively. Both nestlings appeared to be watching for their parents to come in with dinner. At 7:10 one of the adults was flying around the west face of the State Building. A few minutes later we noticed that Ares was on a light pole on the roof of the bank building. Percy moved back to the crossperch at 7:14. For the most part the nestlings settled down by 8:00. Percy was in the nestbox and Kara was on the east veranda. Astrid and Ares were on the State Building. Was this where they were all apt to spend then night? Nope! At 8:45 PM Kara made her way back into the box and joined her brother. Goodnight falcons.