Today marks the 14th anniversary or the first Peregrine Falcon egg known to be laid in Utica and in Oneida County. Back on June 4, 2008, Maya (Utica’s original resident Peregrine female) laid an egg on a fourth-story ledge on M&T Bank’s Gold Dome Building.

The overnight was a little cool with temperatures in the 50’s. The skies were mostly clear in the morning and the temperature rose to the mid-60’s by noon. By mid-afternoon the temperature was in the 70’s and it was windy. Astrid remained in the vicinity of the nest for much of the overnight. Ares brought prey to the nest at 1:47 AM. Astrid grabbed it and flew off into the dark canyon with it. She either made it an early breakfast for herself or she stored it. Both her and Ares were on the State Building for a while after that. She then returned to the long perch where she spent another few hours before daybreak. The nestlings roused and became active at 5:00. Ares visited them for a quick chick check at 5:07. He didn’t bring any food with him. Kara and Percy squealed in his face until he left and went back to the State Building. Soon he was up on his lookout post – using it to spot prey. Astrid was in hunting mode as well. Both were periodically taking off on forays and the nestlings would call each time they saw one leave or come back. At 7:05 Ares brought prey to the nest. Astrid grabbed it like she was possessed and hopped into the nest. Kara and Astrid then had a tug-o-war with the food which Astrid won. Initially she just fed Kara, but Percy finally began vying and both chicks got something. At 7:34 Ares arrived with a second course. Once again Astrid handled the feeding. She concentrated on feeding Percy first this time. The feeding was over at 7:45. Twenty minutes later Ares was back with a third course. Astrid took it and did the feeding. At 9:30 Ares brought a fourth course to the nest. This time Astrid didn’t show up to take over, so Ares tried to serve out the meal himself. The trouble was the nestlings were already full and Ares is not the insistent server that Astrid is. Indeed, he was very easy for them to ignore. Two minutes later Astrid swooped in, grabbed the food from Ares’ clutches and fed it to the chicks. At 10:28 we noticed that Astrid was tucked in on the east veranda – mostly looking at an office window. There shouldn’t be anyone in there today, Astrid. At 11:40 we noticed that Ares was up on the State Office Building. He was tucked tightly into the edge of a window ledge and he was almost invisible. Astrid was up on the State Building by noon.

At 12:48 PM Ares showed up at the nestbox for a chick check. The chicks started squealing and rushing towards him. They had been doing some exercise in the box a little earlier and they were pretty wound up. At 1:45 Ares brought what looked like a swallow into the box. Kara grabbed it away from him and took it to the corner. Ares then picked up an old wing from the floor and went to give it to Percy. Just then Astrid arrived, Ares left, the wing was dropped, and Astrid took back (with some difficulty) the swallow from Kara. She then conducted a short, raucous feeding, during which Kara made off with a hunk of the meal. Mealtime was over at 1:50 and Astrid was out. The chicks then enjoyed a lengthy squealing session. At 2:28 Astrid floated to the box (it was very windy) with a male Oriole in her talons. Kara immediately stole it and took it to the corner. Astrid followed her and snatched it back. She plucked it and then started another raucous feeding session. Both chicks anxiously vied to be fed. At 2:33 the meal was over, and Astrid sailed back into the canyon. Kara and Percy squealed at a fevered pitch until she was gone. At 3:53 both parents were perched on adjacent ledges on the State Building. At 5:08 Ares came to the nestbox, picked up a food scrap from the floor and handed it to Kara. He then went out to the crossperch where he was buzzed by Astrid. The two adult falcons proceeded to do some impressive kiting and darting around on the wind. When ever one would flyby the nestbox the chicks would squeal. At 5:38 A&A were out of view and probably hunting. At 6:11 Ares brought prey to the east veranda and then floated away with it again. He then came back without it. Four minutes later Astrid arrived at the box with the same food and started a feeding. At 6:23 the mealtime was over, and Astrid did a fancy flyoff. Indeed, all manner of aerial stunts were being employed due to the favorable wind conditions. Meanwhile, at the nest Kara was doing some wing exercising. At 6:38 there was one more flyby of the nest by one of the adults. Astrid was on the steeple for a little while after that. At 8:06 both parents were on the State Building but they didn’t remain there for long. Kara and Percy became activated at that point and did some calling and some more wing exercising. Astrid visited the long perch at 8:38 but was only there for a minute. All was likely to settle down soon. Goodnight all.