Monday, April 12, 2021 – Casual Interaction with an Intruder – Was it one of the Young from a Previous Year?

The overnight period was cool, with temperatures in the mid-forties. Daytime highs were in the 50’s. It was certainly a reality check following the high summer-like temps of the last several days. Rain came later in the day. Astrid spent the night tight on the eggs. At 5:30 AM, we glimpsed Ares flying near the west face of the State Building. Perhaps he was restocking his pantry. At 6:17, Astrid called from the nest. She was ready to be relieved. Just then Ares flew to a west ledge with fresh prey. He gave his screech call as he landed. His prey looked to be a Startling – one that he hadn’t yet killed. The dispatching was done promptly and then he started the plucking process. We couldn’t see much of the action since Ares had brought his quarry into a window well. At 6:38, he brought it to the crossperch. Astrid took it from him and flew with it over to the hotel. At 7:30, Astrid arrived on the crossperch. She wanted to take over incubation. Ares didn’t want to leave and so she flew out again. She went to the steeple after that. Her crop size told us that she had a good breakfast. At 7:46, the falcons switched and then Astrid was back on the nest and Ares went to the west side of the State Building. At 8:34, another changing of the guard took place this time Ares was coming on to his shift.

At 8:40 AM, people moving in an office adjacent to the nest box brought Astrid back to the crossperch. She wasn’t hazing the building, just standing guard. She stayed there until 8:52, when she hopped into the box and ousted Ares. She gave her impatient chuckle call as she stepped on his tail to shift him. He didn’t want to go, but acquiesced and flew over to the State Building. At 10:08, Ares was back to the nest. He tried to get her to leave, but she was intransigent, and he quickly gave up trying. He moved onto the west veranda and stayed there for a while, occasionally peering into Deb’s window. At 11:10, the flacons did another switch and then Ares was on the nest. At 12:08, quick switch again, and Astrid was back on the eggs. At 1:00 PM, something was going on in the canyon. Ares flew to his lookout post on the top of the State Building. There was another Peregrine flying over the State Building. We soon lost track of who was who. One briefly hazed the other and then both flew above the State Building. Astrid started calling from the box, but didn’t get off the eggs. Meanwhile, the intruder, on its own volition, headed north and out of downtown. He zoomed by our PTZ two camera. He was not pursued – not by Ares anyhow. Ares went directly to the longperch. Astrid then took off, but she didn’t go after the stranger either. Instead she flew across to the State Building and found a good perch. We thought it curious that A&A didn’t do more hazing and chasing of the intruder. Deb thought the encounter even seemed playful. Certainly, Ares gave no alarm calls. We think it was a falcon they are familiar with and perhaps have some kind of understanding with. It’s conceivable that its one of their own offspring, but there’s no way to confirm that. Having said that, we think it’s unlike A&A will tolerate strangers (even friendly ones) that get too close to their nest area once the chicks start hatching.

At 1:49 PM, Astrid flew over and landed on the crossperch. Movement in a nearby office got her riled up and she felt it necessary to guard the box. Fifteen minutes later she was in the box negotiating with Ares about getting a turn on the eggs. He didn’t want to go. She beaked with him and used gentle persuasion (no stomping on flight feathers or crowding). It worked. Ares flew out into the canyon and Astrid got onto the eggs. At 3:47, Ares came flying over and there was another quick changeover. Ares was on the eggs and Astrid was went to the State Building. At 4:38, she came to the crossperch again. After hanging out there for 15 minutes, she jumped into the box and they did a quick switch on the eggs. As it happened it was the last switch of the day. It was a little rainy and cool and Astrid deciding on another early night. Ares was on the State Building for a little while and then we lost sight of him. Goodnight all.

Go stock the pantry!

Ares gets forceful with Astrid to earn his turn on the eggs

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