Peregrine log February 15, 2019

Today (Friday) was warmer with temps hovering around the freezing mark. There was a little bit of rain and freezing rain in the afternoon. For February in Central New York, that’s considered a good day. Ares responded to the mild conditions by spending a lot of time at the box. He gave occasional long calls, which were (of course) directed at his mate. He was trying hard to get her to come over. Astrid mostly stayed across the canyon, perched on a ledge on the State Building. At one point she finally did come over to the box, but didn’t remain for a ledge display. Ares seemed disappointed about that.
Both yesterday and today, Astrid caught Pigeons and ate them on the hotel. Also, on both days, Ares tried to get some. However, she was not interested in sharing. Yesterday he needed to dive down after the small pieces she dropped off the ledge. We couldn’t tell if she did that on purpose or not – making him dive for his supper. Today he successfully nabbed a small chunk right out from under her. He waited about an hour to make his move and, in the end, she did seem to let him take it. Any day now we expect this dynamic to change and for him to begin giving her food tributes. We shall see.