We had a colder start to the day than usual. Temperatures were only in the mid 20’s, although the persistent wind made it seem colder. Indeed, the winds increased as the day went on. The falcons weren’t seen super early this morning. Both showed up at the box together at 6 o’clock sharp. Ares had a small food tribute for Astrid and she took it without any fanfare. Both falcons were in and out of view after that; Astrid was mostly out of view. At 8:10, Ares was seen feeding on something on the hotel ledge. By 8:30, the pair had a rendezvous at the nest for a ledge display. After Ares left the box, Astrid spent a few minutes sitting in Ares’ mega scrape – perhaps trying it out for size. At 9:10, the falcons mated on the State Building. Only five minutes later he was at the box with prey. We think he ended up storing that food, but we couldn’t be sure of that. Regardless, following a short interlude he came back to the box without it. After that, the falcons were out of view for the better part of two hours. They were back at 11:15 AM. Ares stayed at the box until noon and only left when he saw Astrid fly off. He likes to keep especially good tabs on her during this stage in the breeding process. When she flies, he gives squeaking calls, and when she goes out of his view, he follows after her. He is a hyper dedicated mate. When Astrid left her perch we saw her soar very slowly in front of the west face of the State Building. She then rose out of camera view. Ares made course for her and soon he was out of our camera view as well. Fifteen minutes later, he was back at the box. She flew in and took a perch on the State Building again. At 12:30, Ares flew across the canyon to her building; he slowly rose in elevation until he was above her. He then came floated down and tried to mate, but the angle was wrong or she wasn’t ready. Regardless, the mating was aborted and he flew back to the nest. At 12:50, he got a meal out of storage and brought it right to her ledge. Now that is service!

At 1:40 PM, the falcon pair came to the box twice in a row. They were calling and very animated. We never figured out the reason for their excitement. Was there an intruder in the canyon? Within twenty minutes, they had mated again on the State Building. Deb said that Ares was fluttering like a butterfly during the act. Forty minutes later, they mated again in the same location – and again at four o’clock! Meanwhile the wind gusts were incredibly strong and temperatures were in the twenties. At 4:30, Ares brought a food tribute up to the ledge near where Astrid was perched on the State Building. She flew over to him and, after a tugging match, she prevailed. He flew off and she ate her gift right there on the ledge. Ares was out of view for a while after that. He made a suitably dramatic (screeching) return to the box at 5:45. Twenty minutes later, he flew from the box, made some nice and leisurely maneuvers in the canyon (in spite of the howling wind) and then arced upward toward Astrid. Yes, they mated for a fifth time – and it’s perfectly conceivable that we missed a few. Ares took a perch only a few window ledges down from Astrid; even as the snow squall intensified in the canyon. When he left at 6:25, Astrid was still in place. We are not sure if she is being so sedentary this afternoon because she’s close to laying her first egg, or is it due to the weather? Time will tell. At 6:35, Ares came to the box with prey. Astrid came right over this time and quickly snatched it away. She flew back over to the State Building and had her dinner. Ares left right after she took her food and he probably went off to a night perch.