One Chick Feeds on its Own & One Chick Bites Astrid’s Wing Feathers

Overnight was cool with fog developing in low lying areas like the downtown canyon. Temperatures rose quickly after daybreak and eventually soared into the mid-70s. There were multiple feedings in the early morning hours beginning at 1:45, when Ares brought in a small prey item. He did the same thing at 2:32 and, like the first time, Astrid did the feeding. At 3:45, Astrid brought in something larger – probably a Woodcock. While she was in the process of feeding the chicks, Ares came to the box and delivered another small food item. Astrid fed until the nestlings wouldn’t take anymore and then she left with the balance of the meal. At around 6:00 AM, one of the chicks – either # 2 or # 3 (these chicks really need names!) was trying to snack on a Woodcock head that remained in the box. He was competently holding the thing down with one foot while picking at it with his bill. Occasionally he would chomp on the bill. We were glad that he didn’t try to eat it. No, instead he fell asleep on top of it. Astrid stopped by the box at 7:00, and fed the nestlings some leftovers that were apparently still in the box. She was back an hour later – this time with something fresh. She plucked it right in front of the chicks and then fed out the entire thing. Ares came in with more food at 9:30. He passed it on to Astrid and she did the feeding. The youngsters were quite active in the box this morning. They walked around and changed positions many times. There was lots of stretching and wing flapping. Their walking is starting to appear more natural and less stilted.The beginnings of tail feathers are now clearly visible on the chicks and their wing feathers are also becoming evident.

At 11:20, we located Ares on the hotel. He was plucking what appeared to be a Mourning Dove. Ten minutes later he had brought it to the box and Astrid was serving it to the nestlings. At 2:40 PM, it was Astrid’s turn to be on the hotel ledge plucking prey. This time it was a pigeon. Five minutes later, she was seen flying off with it, but she didn’t bring it to the box until 3:10. When she came in she seemed to concentrate on feeding chick # 4. This should come as particularly heartening news to all that were concerned that the “runt” of the brood hasn’t been getting his share of the grub. After that feeding, once the chicks had their fill, Astrid began eating the leftovers – right there in the box, which is a bit unusual. While she was feeding, one of the nestlings (we think # 2 or # 3) started biting the ends of her primary feathers. Astrid didn’t even turn around much less protest or scold the little rascal. The sun was hitting the inside of the nest box pretty hard by mid-aftenoon. The chicks responded by moving into the corners where there was a little shade. Ares came to the box at around 4:45 and spent some time kind-of shading one of the chicks. It was more like he was shading half a chick. While he was providing this service one of the other nestlings came up and started making begging calls right into his face. To his credit, he soldiered on and soon the eager chick went and collapsed back into the shade. We expected there to be another feeding before night fall, but there wasn’t one. It looked like both parents made a few tries to get prey, but returned empty handed each time.

Feeding in progress
Feeding in progress
Ares on the east veranda
Astrid on the west veranda
Packing that chick with food
Packing that chick with food
Astrid with her growing audience of masked snowmen
Astrid with her growing audience of masked snowmen
A nestling bites Astrid's wing feather
A nestling bites Astrid’s wing feather


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