Over the past week, Ares has been arriving at the nest box quite early in the morning and usually well before sunrise. This morning he arrived at 5:45 AM. Astrid landed on the north face of the State Building at precisely the same time. Today the pair mated twice and attempted to at least two other times. Ares brought food to Astrid three times, the last time she didn’t take it because she was obviously already full (she had a huge crop). Astrid was away from the canyon for a few hours in the afternoon and early evening. During this time Ares seemed to be anxiously awaiting her return. He called for her frequently and watched from several different lookout points. Finally at close to 7:00 PM she returned to the fold. Both came to the box and Ares tried first to give her a Starling and then when she refused it, he tried to entice her into a ledge display. That didn’t happen either. Soon after, both went off to their night perches. Good night falcons!