Since his release on Friday evening, Skye has been taking it slow and easy in the Downtown canyon. He does a limited amount of flying and plenty of resting, which is pretty much what the doctor ordered. Sometimes when he flies his wing beats are shallow and he seems to tire quickly. Obviously his wing muscles need some more time to completely recover from the injuries sustained over 10 days ago. Initially Astrid seemed to be rejecting Skye, but has now largely relaxed her objections to his presence. However, she is still not above diving at him from time to time. Ares has been only marginally protective of Skye, which is in stark contrast to the degree of protection he afforded Orion when she came back to the fold. It’s really been Comet who has been Skye’s lifeline. Brother Comet has taken on the role of protector – not hesitating to chase Astrid away when she gets too rambunctious. Comet has also been seen bringing food to Skye. On Monday morning, Skye needed to abort a landing on the roof of the State Office Building. Visibly tired, he retreated to the top of the County Building. And then from the other side of the canyon, Comet came in with prey (it’s not clear if it was something he caught himself or found) and brought it to Skye who flapped his wings in anticipation. That is one good brother!

Those are incredible Matt. I’m still so relieved that relations have improved for the family. Have to love that Comet…….
We learn something new about falcons every day! This is amazing! Go Comet!! 🙂