In case you were watching the live feed – Orion miscalculated her return to the box from the west veranda. She eventually glided her way to the parking lot where we rescued her. She is on her way to a local rehabilitator to be checked out. We will update everyone as soon as we have more information. We believe she is fine.

OMG!!!! Thank God you were there!!! I hope she’s ok.
Hi Matt,
Thank you so much for the update!
I was concerned when I saw the empty nest.
Your updates and photos from fledge watchers are wonderful!
Matt, does Orion’s unplanned flight mean that she will be banded before her return to the net box? Will Comet and Skye get banded before they move on to new territories?
Orion will most likely be banded while in captivity. As long as there is no mishap that sends them to a wildlife rehabilitator, Comet and Skye will not be banded
Deb, thanks for posting the picture of Orion. She looks good though a bit shocked!
Linda B
Poor little thing, glad someone was there to rescue her.
I love this site and feel lost now that I don’t have the falcons to check in on. However, our productivity here in the office will probably increase without the distraction. Thanks for everything you do.
Are the parents looking for Orion? Will she be put back in the nesting box of she is OK/
It did seem like Ares spent a little time looking for Orion on the day after her capture. I’m sure they notice her absence, but since they don’t hear her calling, they are forced to focus on the two fledglings that they still have to provide for.