The days of all the chicks being together in the nest box are rapidly coming to a close. Lately the young falcons are engaging in incessant wing flapping and they are getting increasingly curious about what’s happening outside of the box. Yesterday morning, the eldest, now named “Comet”, actually left the nest and perched for a while on one of the new platforms attached to the side of the box. He came back after about a half-hour and joined the others. Right now as I’m writing this, the 2nd chick to hatch, named “Skye” is perched on the very edge of the box. It seems that we can’t begin our Fledgling Watch soon enough! The youngest of the 3, named “Orion” still has a lot of white down feathers and hopefully she won’t try to rush things too much. Though our Watch doesn’t officially begin until Monday, if anyone wants to come downtown to help keep an eye on things over the weekend, your help would be much appreciated.

Hi Matt,
Thank you for the update.
The names are fine, especially Comet.
Your photos as always are terrific!
Onward and upward for the fledgling falconets!
With appreciation,
I can come for an hour or two tomorrow to help watch. I assume you have my email, as I have to enter it to leave a comment.
Sorry Celeste – I just saw this comment. If you are available for other times please go to the Fledge Watch page and complete the information. That will send me an e-mail and then we can get back to you much quicker. Thanks so much!! Deb
Going to miss these guys, have been watching since they hatched. What building is the nest at, I could help if needed.
Hi Robert,
The nest is located on the 15th floor of the Adirondack Bank building on Genesee Street in Utica. If you can help with watch please go to the Fledge Watch page and complete the information. Thank you!! Deb
And then there were two? Or is Comet taking a walk where I can’t see him?
Comet and now Skye are taking walks on the side porches frequently.
What great names they all have ! I am going to miss the 3 so much ! It brightens my work day be able to see them through out each day what am I going to do now 🙁 !
Thanks again for everything you guys have done to allow us to visit the falcons each day !