On July 4th Tres was brought back into town after spending a full week at Kindred Kingdoms – a Wildlife Rehabilitation facility in Pennellville run by Jean and Len Soprano. Tres’s release went off without a hitch. We were able to introduce him back into the family’s territory by putting him through the hatch at the back of the nestbox. From there he hopped onto the box’s perch and after only a minute, took to the sky again. His flight was strong (as was the wind) and it led him east toward the County Building. The Fledge Watch volunteers followed, and after some searching, found him perched on the roof on the building’s south side. After about 1/2 hour, Astrid and Ares came over to check him out. Astrid made low flights over him and even hovered above him. Ares did the same, and then Tres began to call. Both parents took turns landing briefly on the building thus allowing the fledgling to approach them. That was all it took, and Tres was accepted back into the fold. His parents soared back to the home “canyon” and Tres joined his 2 siblings on the State Office Building. He actually flew up and adeptly landed right between Leda and Indi. I guess he was anxious to relay his alien abduction story!

Wonderful and happy ending. You folks have done a wonderful job of helping the Falcon family to have a successful outcome. All the information and pictures have really made this adventure so enjoyable to watch. Congratulations to all involved. Thank you.
It made for a wonderful July 4th to watch Tres come home and be so warmly welcomed by his falcon family and human friends. This has been such a wonderful experience over all, thank you all for sharing it.
Couldn’t ask for a better Independence Day for Tres than to be back home flying free. My Daughter, Granddaughter and I were lucky enough to see Tres on the State Bldg with Mom or Dad close by. It was around 3:00 when we saw Tres so to learn of his mishap felt extra worrisome to me. I’ve watched Peregrine Falcons on webcams over the years and never thought I’d see any, let alone right in Utica. Thank You for all the updates you provided on Tres, the beautiful photos, the website and for the amazing watchers.
Nature is so wonderful. All of this just warms me through whenever I see them flying around or taking a break. Amazing !!! I did want to mention whenever I am in Utica, I have stopped by for few minutes. Also, visit S&M Shaver across Genessee St. and the owner showed me a bunch of bird heads (no body or wings or legs) lying on the sidewalk & street in front of a church and a Veterans Center. Wonder if they have been food for our family ? Hats off to Deb & Matt & all of us. Nelson R.
Wonderful to see these photos! Upon returning home from our trip to PA, I couldn’t unpack until seeing the falcon website being sure there would be new photos of Tres back with his family. Thanks for not disappointing me! My son’s internet was on the fritz the whole time of our visit….. of all times to not be able to be kept up to date! Deb did a terrific honor to me and personally kept me up to date on the release since I could not be there. She knew how deeply physically and emotionally I was involved. I can’t thank her enough! Without Deb and Matt getting this nest “off the ground” none of us could have been witness to this one of millions of nature’s wonders………… Thank you Deb and Matt! Will definitely be stopping by a few times a week to help keep track of our family!