We’ve seen a number of interesting changes in behavior with the Peregrine chicks over the last few days. The most remarkable involving our largest one (presumably a female). More than once when the parents brought prey into the box she’s been grabbed it away from them and hauled it off into a corner where she could eat it herself. What a little miser! We’ve also been seeing some gentler behavior between the chicks which involved beak touching and subtle head gestures. These are actions that mimic what adult birds do when interacting with each other. More and more wing flapping has been taking place every day and it really puts on display the amount of feather growth that has taken place. These chicks are quickly turning into falcons. Our Fledge Watch is probably going to start in the middle of next week. We still need volunteers so please do register today! The falcons need your help and so do we!

did last night’s storms knock out the streaming feed? it won’t load
Annie, others posting on the Utica Falcon facebook page are having the same problem. It’s felt that there was a problem from the storm and is hoped to be corrected as soon as possible.
Hi Annie & Linda,
Yes we had a problem this morning but it should be working now. It may go down again as I was just told internet is down all over Utica.
Annie- can you send me your e-mail. Contact me at falconwatch185@gmail.com I am assuming you would want to participate in the fledge watch and wanted to be able to get info to you. If not that’s fine too.
Deb Saltis
Annie – I see your e-mail address now…I will send the info to you… Deb
what a change a couple of days can make –> these chicks are mostly brown now (molting most of the “baby fuzz”)