For the last few days we’ve been struggling to see through the fog of whitewash on the main camera. It has almost been like watching the birds in a dream! We hope to be switching to camera 2 as soon as we are able. Some may remember the last time we switched to the backup camera, it was immediately rendered useless by a troublesome feather that adhered to its lens. Now the nemesis feather has shifted somewhat and we’ve been able to get a much clearer view. This camera looks at the nest action from the perspective of the back of the box, so we should be able to see the young as they look outside through the box opening. It should be perfect for fledging time, which is now only a few weeks away. Speaking of which, if you are able to help us with our organized Fledge Watch please register ASAP on this site’s Fledge Watch page. We hope to see you there!

I was wondering if the sex of the baby falcons is known at this point? And will they be named? (Such as Athena, Appollo, Adonis, Achilles, etc…)
We are reasonably sure that we have 2 females and a male, but honestly, I haven’t had enough time to really examine our footage close enough to know for sure. It should become clearer as fledgling time approaches. As for names, we think that we’ve settling on some and we will be announcing them them shortly. I like your suggested names, but we probably won’t obligate ourselves to use names beginning with “A”. We thought that more appropriate for the adults – that is to honor their host building (Adirondack Bank).
what about 3 names that begin with a B (for the B in Bank)
or …. a B, a C and a D