At 6:14 PM, a hatchling was seen when Astrid stood up to adjust herself and the eggs. Astrid moved the chick briefly to the front of the clutch and then within a minute had placed it back behind the still intact eggs. The chick appeared very pink – a sign that it had only recently emerged from its shell. This all happened very quickly and I was unable to get a good screen shot of the chick. I will post one when I can.

My husband and I have been watching the web cam on and off all day. Around 6 PM the falcon started rearranging the eggs many times and seemed to be somewhat agitated. And then we saw the chick around 6:15 PM. The falcon picked it up and then put it under her to keep it warm. AWESOME!!!!
Thank you Matt. I saw it as well! Astrid was as careful and gentle as she could possibly be with that pink skinned little creature! Congratulations Astrid and Ares. Healthy life wished for all your hatchlings!
At 8:10 PM or so one of the adult peregrines was feeding the chick, and it was already eating!!!