I don’t know. I’m effing sick of this. Are you effing sick of this, too? You are? Wow … okay. For how many years? Damn …. why didn’t you say so? I was just doing this to keep YOU happy!
Well, you learn something new every day. Or at least every week. Except last week – I was kind of too busy to learn anything. It gets like that sometimes. Anyway, let’s just agree to say that you learn something new every little once in a while. Maybe every time Sylvie brings you some water. Like in the Leadbelly Song. But I digress.
What the this is
The “this” we’re kvetching about is this thing called blogging. We’ve been doing it for twenty years, and somehow – seemingly unnoticed by us – the world has kind of moved on. Now everything is social media, social media, etc. A few still blog, outside of the corporate shills, but it’s not really a thing anymore, and well … that’s a shame. Still, blogging has its place. I just don’t know whether or not its place is here, exactly.
Since we started this back in 1999, it’s been kind of a chronicle, a travel log, and a journal rolled into one. There have been a lot of twists and turns, like those times we went to the chewy center of the earth, blasting our way through miles of nougat until we hit molten caramel. Or the times we’ve visited the gas giants on the outskirts of our celestial neighborhood. We always felt that people would come away from those stories with valuable life lessons. Lessons like, DON’T TALK TO THOSE SQUATTERS!
The free hand
Now some of you might say, well, so you’ve been writing a stupid blog. What are you doing with your OTHER hand? It may surprise you to know that it actually takes two hands to type this stuff in. The fact is, we need to start doing other things …. things that are more, I don’t know, useful maybe? Not the right word. How about interesting? Probably still not ideal. Nevertheless, we need at least one free hand, even if we’re going hands-free.

I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. Matt’s been writing songs like a house on fire. Even in our salad days he didn’t put out THIS much stuff. And we didn’t have a lot of salad days. Anyway, we’re going to start recording these songs, first as demos, then maybe pull it together in another album. We have the makings of at least one other album in the Ned Trek library – the new stuff, though, is completely different. That’s the one thing we’ve never been short on: material. Everything else, yes, but not that.
Wait for it!
Long story short, I will be posting Big Green stuff on social media, maybe pull some of that into the blog, but these regular posts will be going on hiatus. If I hear a flurry of calls for them to return, I will start posting again … but I’m not holding my breath. Til then, you know where to find us. (Right here.)