The president of the United States is not going to give this up. The party that made him president is not going to stop supporting him in his delusions. All you T.V. pundits and mainstream media commentators waiting with baited breath for Republican lawmakers to “pivot” or “come to their senses” or “admit in public what they acknowledge in private”, save your breath. Donald Trump is the chosen leader of the Republican Party – chosen because he encapsulates all that they stand for: celebration of greed, white aggrievement, authoritarianism, and destroying the useful parts of government (i.e. the parts that help people in some way). They can no more abandon him than a snake’s body can slither free of its head. And while they haven’t tried this blatantly in the past to steal an election by ignoring or invalidating millions of ballots that have already been counted and certified, they have always demonstrated their potential for doing so.
Let me be clear. As I have said in my podcast, Strange Sound, this is Trump returning to his original Plan A from back in 2016. I know that sounds like Plan 9 From Outer Space, but it’s true – Trump ran his 2016 campaign as a branding exercise, thinking that he would lose, cry foul, claim fraud, and use the resulting white outrage to build his new media empire. Things didn’t work out as planned, of course – Trump won, and had to resort to Plan B: milk the Presidency for all its worth, and as it turns out, it’s worth quite a bit. Now that he has obviously lost his bid for re-election, he’s resorting to Plan A, only it’s different than it would have been in 2016, because he is now President of the United States, and the power of that office amplifies everything you do to a level unobtainable via any other means. I think people tend to underestimate this dynamic, but it’s true – the Presidency has enormous influence, far beyond that of any cheesy reality show star or phony billionaire.
And so, unlike what would have happened four years ago if he had pulled this in the wake of an electoral defeat, his insistence that there was massive fraud is backed up by the United States Justice Department, all of the resources of the Executive Branch, and the entire spectrum of right-wing media. That amount of power and influence is enough to shake even the firmest of governmental foundations. Even if Trump’s lawsuits and challenges are vacuous, ill-constructed, and unsuccessful, the very attempt to overturn the results of this election is creating an indelible impression in the minds of millions upon millions of Americans. This, at best, will undermine the legitimacy of Biden’s administration and, at worst, will prompt political violence and mass unrest. What the president and his enablers are doing is profoundly irresponsible and detrimental to the stability of our democratic institutions. It is a kind of soft coup in that it robs the new administration of its ability to govern. Just as badly, it creates a playbook for future authoritarians of the right who will surely emerge from the GOP in the coming years.
Don’t treat this as a joke. That is not what this is. This is an attack on the administrative state, and it remains to be seen whether or not this attack will succeed.
luv u,