
BIG GREEN Releases


COMING MAY 1 2025:

In Retrograde - Big Green's newest album

In Retrograde, Big Green’s 4th studio album, drops May 1; pre-order on April 1. See details.

Cowboy Scat: Songs in the Key of Rick
Cowboy Scat: Songs in the Key of Rick
21-song album about our “cousin” Rick, available online via CDBaby and various streaming services.
More information →
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International House
International House
16-song studio album by Big Green, available at major online retailers, as well as iTunes, CDBaby, and other independent outlets, or direct from the band for $8.00 (plus tax and postage).
CD: Amazon
Direct from the Band:

MP3: iTunes / Orchard Page
Lyrics → / Low income discount →

2000 Years To Christmas
2000 Years To Christmas
20th Anniversary Celebration

13-song CD, available at all major online retailers at various prices, or direct from the band for $8.00 (plus tax and postage).
CD: Amazon
Direct from the Band:

MP3: iTunes/Orchard Page
Lyrics → / Low income discount →


The President's Brain is Missing
The President’s Brain is Missing
4-song EP CDR, available direct from the band for $5.00 postage-paid (in the U.S.A.).
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Live From Neptune
Live From Neptune
4-song EP CDR, available direct from the band for $5.00 postage-paid (in the U.S.A.).
Order → / Low income →

MP3 Singles

One Small Step
One Small Step
Single celebrating Neil Armstrong’s famously flubbed first words from the surface of the moon and the consequences of that flub on the space-time continuum. Sort of.
Download at iTunes →
Video →
High Horse
High Horse
Big Green’s January 2009 single – a farewell to the Bush administration, available as a FREE download.
Video →
Lyrics →
41 Times
41 Times
Big Green’s first single, from way back in 1998 – a spare little number about the murder of Amadou Diallo.
Download →
Lyrics →

Random Song Files

Visit our Soundcloud site for a selection of recent and not-so-recent Big Green songs. Go to

Posted Oldies

Take a listen to Big Green’s first demo recording, cut back in 1986, with original band member Ned Danison and featuring Pete Young and Dale Haskell on drums.

Big Green 1986 Demo

Order Direct from Big Green

To order direct from Big Green, mail check payable to “Big Green” to

Big Green
16 Talcott Road
Utica, NY 13502

or call (315) 738-7789


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Official site of the band Big Green